If you watch closely, Titus is a stiff striker at times. I don't know if he has a temper or if he just likes to prove a point when he's on camera, but I remember a match between PTP and Mysterio/Sin Cara. Dude was slapping Cara around like, "SPEAK ENGLISH!" :ct:Started ROCKING his shyt. I was half-paying attention before that, but I looked up a the screen like, :lupegarvey:"Do they have backstage beef?"
I want all of their beat-downs to be so uncomfortable that commentary goes silent. End all that shyt with a stiff Trouble in Paradise into a Big Ending on a chair. Fists up.
This group has to produce 1-2 stars...Henry is expiring ( kind of like Farooq was in NOD) this is Kufi Koon and Minister Muscle time to break away and get to the next level. The E has to give them a chance to talk fans into the seats...does Kufi Koon even cut long inspiring promos? or the Minister?
the E needs to drop the Kofi bit...that name is sullied in c00nery...give him a new name and a new identity to run with
Kufi Kingston?
Real talk, they should just let Xavier, Mark, Big E and Titus trade off on the mic group-style like the old NWO. Big E could snatch the shyt from Roberts and hit them with the "OH, I GOT THE MIC NOW."

on some "Hey Yo" shyt.
Pass that bytch around. Have Kofi post up, sitting on the turnbuckle during the promos and mug the crowd, point, and hit the ad-libs. Titus & Mark could talk shyt to people in the front row and threaten people to come in the ring and do something about it ala Bubba Ray/D-Von in ECW.
Big E hits them with some minister shyt and then Woods hits them with the catchphrase. Maaaan.