Isn't this shyt fake? I remember reading this stuff years ago
my sentiments exactly. I'm about 70% sure its fake too.This just seems fake...
Nas been winning lately
Basically.This is what make it seems fake, mostly.
Oh definitely. Especially during that time frame. Who knows all the crazy shyt they were experimenting with. The post WWII/Cold War era is crazy if youre into espionage and shyt like that.
When did you go thru Basic? I went in 06(Ft Benning) and i remember a little sleep deprevation, but nothing crazy, but i noticed the way that i deal with relationships are different.
Can you go into this a little more?
people actually posted in this thread, "is this story real?"
Seems like our true nature is exposed as we avoid sleep, maybe even that awake consciousness is a lower state of insanity increasing in intensity as the sleep cycle is broken. Sleep isn't far from death... i wonder what this implies.
Its really hard to extract anything reasonable from things like this. Almost doesn't seem real.
those russian sleep deprivation experiments?
I always wondered why nobody has ever tried to replicate them. Not just keeping somebody up through disturbances like the guards to when solitary, but through chemical means like this.
I know they do it on animals all the time.
they don't live long, though.
I think I'll look into it.
Human psyche experiments intrigue me.
Anyone ever seen the ones where they keep people in pitch blackness for long periods of time?
Sleep can be healing, but i think its only because it allows our body to go into a perfect state environment: no energy being spent on resisting gravity or processing outside thought and physical stimulation, i'd bet if these conditions could be met in an awakened state sleep wouldn't be as necessary, sorta like a more potent form of meditation.I don't think sleep is close to death. In fact it's the opposite, no sleep is close to death. When you sleep you body is repairing itself, and growing. When you don't get sleep, your body is breaking down, and you are slowly dieing due to being able to becoming ill easier, and your brain not replenishing the hormones, and neurotransmitters it, and the body, needs to function. It can be an easier/faster to rewire the brain, and make someone view life differently, if used by the someone who wants this to happen.
To the OP, I'll look at the link. Just give me some time.
Sleep can be healing, but i think its only because it allows our body to go into a perfect state environment: no energy being spent on resisting gravity or processing outside thought and physical stimulation, i'd bet if these conditions could be met in an awakened state sleep wouldn't be as necessary, sorta like a more potent form of meditation.
Is it safe to say insanity is just a form of brain fatigue? And whats to say about people who've gone comatose, no one really knows why they wake up when they do.