too bad
Orcas are dolphins.

too bad
Orcas are dolphins.
So... a literal dark/grey shark gets to named a "GREAT WHITE SHARK" because less than 10% of its body is white.
Look at the color of that shyt brehs, does that look like a "great white shark" to you?
Who let cacs get away with naming this shyt?
Meanwhile, look at this magnificent creature.
the blackest mf in the Ocean. Is named "Killer whale" or "orca" .. what the fukk is an orca
Its a Great Black Whale
I have been calling them "Great Black Whales" for years and I'm encouraging fellow brehs to do the same.
Say it with me.
Great. Black. Whale.
Its a whale. Its black as hell. Its great.
So of course they call it killer whale
Great Black Whale, never wanna hear "Orcas" on this shyt ever again
fukk yall, I'm officially OrcaSet...
Black fish can't even congregate without white people being nosy and scared c00ns thinking they're gonna attack![]()
It ain't a whale, breh.
It's a dolphin....
Facts about orcas (killer whales) - Whale & Dolphin Conservation USA
Orcas, also known as killer whales, are are the largest member of the dolphin family. Threats to orcas include hunting and
Let’s start with the scientific name – Orcinus orca. “Orcinus” translates from Latin to “belonging to Orcus.” If you’re up on your Roman mythology you may recognize the name Orcus. He was the God of the underworld (sometimes this is also Pluto, don’t get me started…) and he was also the punisher of broken oaths. Given that the underworld was so closely related to him it was often simply referred to as Orcus itself. So yes, “Orcinus” roughly means “from hell.” “Orca” on the other hand does not mean “demon.” It translates to the much more mundane “large-bellied pot or jar.” This was likely in reference to the body shape of the Killer Whale and some documents suggest that ancient romans eventually used the term “Orca” to refer to any whale or large fish. So loosely, Orcinus orca means “whale from hell.”
Now for the Killer Whale term. Likely this common name comes from sailors and fishermen who observed the animals hunting and killing large whales and therefore called them “whale killers.” Overtime the words were reversed and up until the 1960s and 70s no one had any problem with it because Killer Whales were largely considered to be fierce and feared predators. English isn’t the only language to vilify these animals either – in Spanish their common name is “ballena asesina” which means “assassin whale.
While the term “Killer Whale” does raise a lot of eyebrows and invites us to point out how wrong it is I can’t help but appreciate how right it is too. These animals are whales (see the earlier “all dolphins are whales but not all whales are dolphins” point) and they are killers. Any animal that eats another animal is a killer. That’s nature. What’s awe-inspiring about Killer Whales is just how GOOD they are at killing. Each population is made up of teams of highly trained, specialized, lethal predators that have the ability to take down pretty much whatever they want. They can kill a great white shark! They can kill a blue whale! Some even jump out of the water to grab seals and sea lions from beaches and ice floats! They’re amazing!!!
All dolphins are whales
Orcas are dolphins.
Would you settle for the great mulatto whale?It's not a whale
It's not black
It's not great