I feel like a "woman's pipebomb" would backfire horribly
You know the typa neckbeards that chant shyt like this would be all the more wanting to troll the divas if one of the divas actually addressed them. It's just like the gamergate shyt, where that one bytch called out gamers on their sexism, and a lot of the internet video game community responded by becoming ultra misogynist.
It's pretty funny to me, but I don't think it would serve their purposes
Funny that you mention good enough because I literally just opened Wreddit and this was one of the top posts.
Sasha Banks comments on the crowd chanting for Lesnar and JBL on Raw during her match vs. Nikki Bella • /r/SquaredCircle
Sasha replied to a Tumblr post calling out the chanting and she said "They want change but don't want to change" and the comments are all excuses as to why the match got shyt on which kind of touches on what you said a bit.
"I can't take the division seriously until the Bellas are gone"
If the Bellas are what's stopping you, then you're an idiot because Nikki's character is stale now but she puts on a good match and Alicia Fox can work. Brie is the only weak link and you're stupid if you let one person you don't like overshadow the good work of 8 others. I'm sure there are male wrestlers on TV that you don't like but it won't stop you from caring about other matches and belts, right?
"I want to see Divas matches like Becky v. Sasha at NXT"
If we had that match on RAW, they'd get boring chants. That match, while good, was slow and methodical. I guarantee you most forums would probably be shytting on that match if it were on TV. I don't get how, after so many underwhelming moves, people STILL don't understand that you can't just pluck something from NXT, throw it on RAW and then expect the same reactions.
"It's supposed to be a revolution and they're not doing enough"
Wtf did they expect? Maybe I'm being a bit more realistic, but I did not expect some massive change all at once. I remember the RAW after the NXT girls came up where they had two Divas matches in one night and I was like

. Did these people expect the WWE to completely change the way they've been operating the women's division for years in a couple of weeks? The only reason there was change at all was because #GiveDivasAChance blowing up forced their hand. They expect way too much from a company that's ran by people who are known to be stuck in their ways. It is a revolution only by name but change will come gradually. And then the women will still be plagued by the same shyt that fukks up the men (bad writing, no storyline, etc).
So pretty much, yes I agree with you because there are so many comments in that post that took Sasha's reply personally and so many of these people don't realize when they're the problem.