To his credit, he was different and entertaining a lot of the time. People read his posts whether they liked him or hated him. He had something of an encyclopedic knowledge of dates and events on PPVs, which was a little scary and disturbing but also kinda interesting.
But he had an unhealthy level of interest in a few things, to the point of being obsessive. He went out of his way to be heelish, a lot of times where it wasn't necessary at all. His mindset seemed to be that actually getting along with people was a sign of weakness, which is just bizarre. His heel act was pretty contrived and got a little boring and repetitive. His refusal to budge and compromise was a sign of immaturity, as was his need to constantly tell people how smart and important he was.
I actually agreed with him on many points, but I never understood why he seemed to be more of a fan of numbers and ratings than characters and storylines. If a wrestler's segment drew poor numbers, that seemed to be reason enough for R=G to actually hate him. That might make sense if you are a major WWE stockholder because ratings are money, but it makes zero sense if you're a regular fan.
Mostly I steered clear of him. Too much drama. That's not what I'm here for.
That's all I got. I wish him well in those future endeavours. He'll probably be back though.