Naaah breh we been here since day 1
And I got my nikkas with me, yeah, yeah
Naaah breh we been here since day 1
And I got my nikkas with me, yeah, yeah
Naaah breh we been here since day 1
And I got my nikkas with me, yeah, yeah
We going undefeated breh
I have never been more confident in Brady and belly since the undefeated season
@Brady-Carter or @Broke Wave can agree with me
41-17 pats tomm
We going undefeated breh
I have never been more confident in Brady and belly since the undefeated season
@Brady-Carter or @Broke Wave can agree with me
41-17 pats tomm
@cookWe going undefeated breh
I have never been more confident in Brady and belly since the undefeated season
@Brady-Carter or @Broke Wave can agree with me
41-17 pats tomm
ill neg him every time he posts in here. already got him twice so far
Negs your own fan base brehsill neg him every time he posts in here. already got him twice so far
Ban him from the thread.ill neg him every time he posts in here. already got him twice so far