A very loyal dude who was groomed to serve his king. Not a battler himself but a very smart and cunning strategist.
Any rumors are rumors, but that Alexander fellow sure was caught up in a lot of them.
At the Battle of Issus (333 BC), Darius' army was routed and the Persian king fled the field, leaving his extended family, including his mother, his wife
Stateira I, his children, and many others to the mercy of Alexander. Alexander captured them but treated them well. When
Alexander the Great and
Hephaestionwent together to visit the captured Persian royal family, Sisygambis knelt to Hephaestion to plead for their lives, mistaking him for Alexander, because he was the taller, and both young men were wearing similar clothes. When she realized her mistake, she was acutely embarrassed, but Alexander reassured her with the words, "You were not mistaken, Mother; this man too is Alexander."