Water Crisis in Flint, Michigan: April 25, 2014 - TBD; 5 Michigan Health Officials Charged


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May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
Flint mayor says water switch ‘too risky’ after lead crisis

FLINT, Mich. — Flint’s mayor reversed course Tuesday and recommended that the Michigan city beset by a man-made crisis that left the water supply contaminated with lead continue getting its drinking water from a Detroit-area system long term, saying a third switch would be too risky and expensive.

Flint would remain a customer of the Great Lakes Water Authority for the next 30 years under the proposal instead of transitioning to a new Flint-area pipeline as planned. A previous money-saving decision to join the Karegnondi Water Authority in 2013 set the stage for the disaster when state-appointed financial managers controlling Flint in 2014 decided to temporarily tap the Flint River while the regional pipeline to Lake Huron was being built.

A dozen options were explored, and Weaver said staying with the Detroit-area system under a new 30-year contract and using the local county as a backup would be the cheapest, costing $269 million over 20 years and keeping already-high customer bills in check. Flint estimates it would save $58 million by not having to upgrade its own troubled water plant to treat water coming from the new pipeline — more if the facility is closed. The savings could be used as part of a $177 million update of the city’s aging and deteriorating distribution system, including fixing leaky water mains and replacing 18,000 lead service lines, said David Sabuda, Flint’s interim chief financial officer.

The city remains on the hook for $7 million annual bond payments to the Karegnondi Water Authority, but Weaver said that cost would be offset by credits from the Detroit-area authority in exchange for gaining Flint’s water rights to the KWA. The Great Lakes Water Authority would benefit by keeping Flint — one of its ten biggest customers — as a long-term customer and, in a partnership with the Flint-area authority and Genesee County, provide backup to Flint and other nearby customers.

Flint mayor says water switch 'too risky' after lead crisis


Jul 1, 2012
We still cannot drink the water without a filter.

Mayor and other city leaders/activists beefing every day because it looks like the play is in to make this a cash grab.

People are tired. Don't know who to trust. Starting to lose enthusiasm.

Credits for water bills set to expire soon.

Some service lines have been replaced but still no large-scale project on deck to actually remedy the problem.

Lead poisoning and Legionaires disease directly realted to deaths in the city.

shyt is crazy
Sounds like you live there. Have people been moving out of Flint?


IC veteran
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May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
Happy Anniversary guys





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May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
Iraqi-American Doctor Who Revealed Flint Water Crisis Slams Trump & Travel Ban at March for Science

Among those who spoke out at the March for Science in Washington, D.C., on Saturday was Flint’s Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, an Iraqi-American doctor who discovered the connection between rising blood lead levels in the children of Flint, Michigan, and the switch to the Flint River as a water source. State officials initially dismissed her findings, but she refused to accept their denials. Democracy Now! spoke with Dr. Hanna-Attisha about the ongoing Flint water crisis, the life-saving importance of science, and President Trump’s Muslim travel ban.

AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now!, democracynow.org, The War and Peace Report. I’m Amy Goodman, as we bring you the voices from Saturday’s March for Science, that brought hundreds of thousands of people around the globe out on every continent. We were in Washington, D.C., as we turn to Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, the doctor who discovered the connection between the rising blood [lead] levels in the children of Flint, Michigan, and the switch to the Flint River as a water source. State officials initially dismissed her findings, but she refused to accept their denials. This is Dr. Mona’s address at the march.

DR. MONA HANNA-ATTISHA: Hey! How’s everyone doing? Woo! I am Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha from Flint, Michigan. And it is great to be here. And I am here to tell you that the Flint water crisis is not over. We still cannot drink unfiltered water from our taps.


DR. MONA HANNA-ATTISHA: Boo. So, Flint is what happens when we dismiss science. Flint is what happens when we dismiss experts. Flint is what happens when we dismiss people. Flint is what happens when saving money is more important than public health.

I am a pediatrician, and every day I use science to protect and restore the health of my patients, my kids. And about a year ago, my research proved that our contaminated water in Flint was leaching lead into the bodies of our children.


DR. MONA HANNA-ATTISHA: Boo. And I took a risk. I walked out of my clinic to speak up publicly for my kids.

AUDIENCE: [cheering]

DR. MONA HANNA-ATTISHA: Thank you. And I was attacked. But when you are fighting for children, you fight back. And I was loud, and I was stubborn. And science spoke truth to power. Science is not an alternative fact. And it is time for all of us to fight back against those who deny science and those who degrade science. It is time for all of us to step out of our clinics, our classrooms and labs. We need to make ourselves known into the halls of government. We need to hear all of your voices.

Today, I march for science. And today, I march for our Flint kids. I am marching for our smart, our strong, our resilient, our beautiful Flint kids. They inspire me to continue to use science every day to make sure that their tomorrows are bright as ever. And I want you to meet one of our amazing Flint kids. And I hope that she and little girls just like her become scientists. But this little one has her eyes on that house, the White House, in 2044. So, I want you guys to give a warm welcome to Mari Copeny, also known to the world as Little Miss Flint.

Amariyanna Copeny: Thank you, Dr. Mona. My name is Mari. I am a Flint kid, and I believe in science, because Flint kids are smart, and we’re brave, and, most of all, we’re strong. We knew something was wrong with our water. It was brown. And it smelled weird and tasted gross. It was burning my skin and giving me and my family rashes. My family and my neighbors knew something was wrong, but our state didn’t want to believe in science. They didn’t want to listen to us. They said we were wrong. And finally, scientists proved that our water was bad and that kids just like me were getting hurt—over 8,000 kids under age 6 exposed to lead. Listen to me. When we don’t believe in science, and especially when our government doesn’t believe in science, kids get hurt. That’s what happened in Flint. For the sake of Flint kids and for all over this world, I march for science!

AMY GOODMAN: That was Little Miss Flint and Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha addressing the March for Science in Washington, D.C. I sat down with Dr. Mona in the midst of the stormy weather after she spoke, and began by asking her why she came to Washington for the march.

DR. MONA HANNA-ATTISHA: How could I not come to Washington? How could you not be part of a March for Science? In my every day as a pediatrician, I am moved by science. I am guided by science in my care of patients, in my protection of patients. The Flint story is a story of science. It took science to unravel this unbelievable tragedy. So we need to believe in science, and we need to invest in science. If not, we have the risk of seeing many more Flints to come.

AMY GOODMAN: Explain what you did, how you used science to uncover what took place.

DR. MONA HANNA-ATTISHA: Absolutely. So, I was very much doing my job as a pediatrician, as a researcher. When I heard about the possibility of lead in the water, I stopped sleeping. Lead is potent, irreversible neurotoxin. It is damning for children and for generations to come. When I heard that there was lead in the water, I put on my research hat to see if that lead was getting into the bodies of our children. And it was. And instead of waiting to publish these findings in peer-reviewed journals, we held a press conference, and we announced these findings, because our days did not—our kids did not have a day to spare. So I took a risk. I took a professional risk and stepped out of my box, out of my clinic, out of my lab, and advocated for my kids. And that’s what needs to happen now every day. Scientists need to come out of our classrooms, out of our clinics and, you know, out of our ivory towers to use our science to better our communities.

AMY GOODMAN: First, the governor of Michigan tried to discredit you. And then, explain what happened.

DR. MONA HANNA-ATTISHA: Yeah. So, I was dismissed, in a long line of folks who were dismissed in the Flint story. Most importantly, the people of Flint were dismissed for 18 months. They were literally told to relax during this dire crisis. The moms, the pastors, the activists, the journalists, the water scientists—everybody was dismissed. And when I came out with the research that our children were being poisoned, I was also dismissed.

I was called an "unfortunate researcher," that I was causing near hysteria, which is a great sexist phrase, and that the state’s numbers didn’t add up to my numbers. So, after a few weeks, the state actually looked back at their numbers and said, "Oh, actually, you know, our numbers do match up with your numbers," and, you know, realized that we did have this massive crisis.

AMY GOODMAN: And what is happening today?

DR. MONA HANNA-ATTISHA: So, today, we are almost in our fourth year of this ongoing crisis. The people of Flint, to this day, must still use filters and bottled water. We have had a great new settlement that will guarantee a line replacement, the pipe replacement. That’s going to take years to happen. We’ve been able to do a lot of things for the children, which is how I spend my every day—investments in early education, literacy, healthcare, nutrition. But we have not yet garnered the resources for the long-term recovery of these kids. These kids need resources for years, if not decades, to mitigate this crisis.

AMY GOODMAN: And the men who made this decision, the unelected city managers, have been indicted.

DR. MONA HANNA-ATTISHA: Yeah, there’s been about 18 criminal charges, including those emergency managers, including folks who worked in our water quality department, including folks who worked in our public health department. So, that accountability is incredibly important. And we need those ongoing investigations.

AMY GOODMAN: So you’re here in Washington, D.C. You’re a doctor. You’re an Iraqi-American doctor.

DR. MONA HANNA-ATTISHA: Yeah, I’m a first-generation Iraqi American. My parents immigrated here when I was about 4. If Trump’s first immigration ban was in effect, I would not be here. So, it’s—you know, we have immigrants all over, in many of our most vulnerable communities, serving, doing our privilege to serve our communities here in the States. It is frightening what would happen if Trump’s immigration policies came into full effect, not only for the healthcare of our most vulnerable, but for the entire field of science, for the global partnerships that we have in science, and, you know, really for the future of our scientific discovery.

AMY GOODMAN: You wrote a piece in The New York Times, "Will We Lose the Doctor Who [Would] Stop the Next Flint?"

DR. MONA HANNA-ATTISHA: Yeah. So, you know, I’ve been given this incredible microphone this last year, and I once again felt it was my duty, my ethical and moral responsibility, to raise my voice in regards to the immigration ban. So, this precedent, these policies, in regards to immigrants are totally contrary to everything that our country was based on. And, you know, Flint is a perfect example. If those were in place, I wouldn’t be here. I don’t know what would have happened to Flint. I hope somebody else would have done the same thing I did. But there’s examples, day in and day out, of immigrants serving these communities.

AMY GOODMAN: You know, I began by saying that, on this day, we just learned this on the grounds of the Mall, on this day, Vivek Murthy, the surgeon general, has been fired. They’re saying resigned, but it’s pretty clear he was fired. You knew him.

DR. MONA HANNA-ATTISHA: Yeah. He was a great physician. He was a great supporter of Flint. He actually came out to Flint twice during our water crisis, in support of our efforts, tried to advocate for more resources for us, spoke with the people, had town hall meetings at churches, met with our physicians. He’s been a great advocate of public health, in general, the need for broader support and investment in public health. So, it was heartbreaking to hear. I actually sent him a message on Twitter yesterday when I heard that he was asked to leave.

AMY GOODMAN: He also spoke out against gun violence.

DR. MONA HANNA-ATTISHA: Yes, absolutely. So he very much recognized, as physicians do recognize, that gun violence is a public health crisis, it is a public health issue, and we need to treat it as such. And we need to increase regulations on gun violence to protect our most vulnerable populations. And I think, ultimately—I don’t know for sure, but I think that’s why he was asked to leave.

AMY GOODMAN: That’s pediatrician Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, who discovered the connection between the rising blood lead levels in the children of her city of Flint, Michigan, with the switch to the Flint River as a water source. She says the Flint story is a story of science.



IC veteran
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May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
Most New York City Schools Had High Lead Levels, Retests Find

But after The New York Times reported that the city had run the water in every outlet for two hours the night before taking the water samples, a process called flushing, experts said that the practice had most likely hidden lead problems. They said the city should throw out the results and redo the tests. In the end, the city did.

On Friday, the new results were released, and they paint a starkly different picture: This time, 8 percent of outlets had lead levels above 15 parts per billion. And the vast majority of school buildings — 83 percent — had at least one outlet with a lead level above the threshold. The city had previously said that two-thirds of its roughly 1,500 school buildings had no outlets above the 15 parts per billion threshold. Flushing cleans most soluble lead and lead particles out of the pipes and thus reduces lead levels temporarily.

Two schools in Queens were among the worst for the number of outlets involved.

At Public School 95, the Eastwood School, in Jamaica, which has 1,500 students, 34 outlets had lead levels above the E.P.A. threshold. A water fountain in the cafeteria had a level of 3,200 parts per billion. Several other water fountains — in the cafeteria, a play area and a school hallway — had lead levels more than 40 times the E.P.A. action level. When the school was tested the first time, under the protocol that included the flushing, the highest level found was 35 parts per billion

At Public School/Intermediate School 208, in the Bellerose neighborhood, 36 outlets had lead levels above the threshold, including a classroom water fountain with a lead level of 1,740 parts per billion, and a faucet in a girls’ bathroom with a lead level of 8,850 parts per billion. When the school, which has about 700 students, was tested the first time, the highest level found was 24 parts per billion.
