Serious with what? Lol...what did I say that was off? Do you believe every politician is a reptilian sociopath with purely evil motives? All I said is he seems like a nice guy who genuinely believes he'd be a good President even though I still think he's an elitist out of touch politician who will say anything and his policy is OP serious with this
dude who's paying you breh
Serious with what? Lol...what did I say that was off? Do you believe every politician is a reptilian sociopath with purely evil motives? All I said is he seems like a nice guy who genuinely believes he'd be a good President even though I still think he's an elitist out of touch politician who will say anything and his policy is shyt.
What a guy.Mitt Romney
Ronald Reagan was a president of strength. His philosophy was a philosophy of strength - a strong military, a strong economy and strong families.
(Romney's campaign later admitted that they didn't march on the same day, or in the same city)"I saw my father march with Martin Luther King."
"welfare king that wants to take stuff from white people and give it to undeserving black and brown poor people"
No that is exactly who he is. I can't believe you're falling for propaganda like this. I've been around all these New England politicians enough and even worked for them. He is not even considering half of that stuff you just listed. The most stand up guy is Jack Reed.
they don't know cac's, like we know cac's.
people in here trying to rewrite this guys life as if he were some victim
I tried to watch it the other night...After 25 minutes I pressed the exit button on my PlayStation and proceeded to rate it 1 star to keep it moving.It's hard to imagine sitting through a documentary about Mitt Romney.
I mean he seems like one of the least interestingpoliticianspeople in history.![]()
i saw it, the only thing that surprised me was that his wife had multiple sclerosis, i dont remember hearing that, in the movie they tried to spin her horses and the trying to build the elevator in the house as a the reason for that, now that could be spin but they should have used that line in the campaign cuz spinning does work to an extent, but they just let all the stories about ann romeny's horses and the elevator hang in the air
but i wasnt surprised about him and his family, rich white people are perfectly nice people around themselves or even around other people, until certain topics come up, i never had any personal beef with romney, he seemed competent so i dont think any tragedy would have happened if he got elected but he was running against a black guy so i had to vote for the black guy
Romney always seemed like one of those politicians who just says whatever he thinks his current audience wants to hear. I have no idea how he really feels about...anything really.
But based on his record, I don't really think he's a far-right, tea party, social conservative type, though he was willing to pander his ass off to them.
live in the south brehsthey don't know cac's, like we know cac's.
people in here trying to rewrite this guys life as if he were some victim
Yeah man, all this documentary showed me is that politicians are willing to do or say anything to get republicans go, he is somewhat reasonable, but if pressured, the man will flip flop into damn near any position. people like that are wildcards. i think we averted a disaster by not electing him. we might be in a war with iran right now if he won
But at the end of the day, the man is a flip flopping mormon.
Breh even romney refereed to himself as the flipping mormon in the doc....several times...
I literally did pulled aIt was a pretty tame documentary could tell that they edited out a fukk ton of shyt.
Didn't have any of the stuff on how they picked Paul Ryan.
No comments on "47 percent" or "Please Proceed Governor".
Only thing I really got from it was that Romney never really seemed all that confidant.