Not even necessarily do I want to see deaths of major characters but I want to feel like it's a possibility that it could happen. This is what I thought days of future past accomplished so well. I really felt like the X-Men could fail in their attempt to change the past and that they could all die from the sentinels. They were down to one final room they were hiding in and their last hope was to change the past. I had the exact same lack of tension problem with The Martian.
If there was a compromise that can be done... than I would be cool with that.
The compromise being that say "yes they do kill" say a Thor.
But if they can introduce the beings in the cinematic world that exist in the comics that will bring them back to life down the line..... and fanboys dont moan and groan over it... then I would be cool with that.
Hell, I still hate how in A2 they fell to the pressures of the narrative that "there must be a sacrificial lamb and someone HAS to die" and killed Quick.
Cats been living for 50 plus years in the comics and some still alive and for no reason we killing cats off in 1-2 hrs
I guess I basically as best as possible want to see the comics in they true from on screen verse a remixed version "just because fanboys who act like they not fanboys" want something different for the sake of it