Was martin Luther king a lying, sexually perverted, puppet for 'others'??


Jun 4, 2012
Last time I checked he was killed by a bullet in the middle of the day. His family also sued the US Government in a civil case regarding his death and won.

You guys are always on here talking about whitewashing and how you don't fall for it but you are falling for it right now with MLK. You bought the cookie cutter shyt without blinking.

The man was gearing for a major push into spreading Socialist, antiwar, anti capitalism, anti greed ideas and solutions.

Go read on your own or go listen to what the man was saying. It's about as anti establishment as you can get. And he paid for it.
:whew: good thing we didn't have the internetss twitter, and youtube back then. Black people would be called racist for even supporting MLK... he would have been painted as a 'radical' race baiting villain..... who was also a communist. We have his packaged and edited speeches that he made for national audiences and to pacify others.

From reading and listening to the comments of his closes people - apparently he clowned other black preachers. When he would watch Malcolm X and others like that on TV his old feelings of not even liking CAC would come back and he would wanna join in on that side of the movement..

MLK - " the great stumbling block toward black freedom wasn't the white racist but the white moderate." :whew:

The dude was a low key pan africanist- attended the independence of African nations and even supported pan african movements in America.

"Before the pilgrims landed at Plymouth, we were here," :ohlawd:

lol @ all that I have a dream shyt. His goal was the empowerment of black people and he simply recognized that the easiest way to that was empowerment of the poor.

to crakface:

@Crakface MLK was smart imo. Idk who he answered to, but it seems that he did what he had to do to because he was America's #1 enemy. The other leaders at the time weren't as threatening as him because they basically came right out with that CAC this n that. MLK made his speeches calmer and kept his militancy on the low. "what God do white people worship? They don't worship my God" :whew:

Even the socialist and social program agendas were meant to undermine white created society in America. He knew (as we know) it's one of the easiest and only ways to level the playing field and decrease the gaps for his (our) people.

Supposedly he hated white people and their institutions up until college. After that he really didn't fukk w CAC.. just a few normal white people.

I think he was a radical- is my point. I don't think all the things he did- most pro black black people or most 'others' will agree with because he was trying to be mainstream so that he can lead the masses, but low key advocating radical agendas.

I don't agree with his non violence we are all god children bs - because it wasn't appropriate for the situation or the time.... but i do agree with this
Call it democracy, or call it democratic socialism, but there must be a better distribution of wealth within this country for all God’s children.

And we can't make true progress--- unless people are less like him and more like Malcolm X... BUT I agree with this though

It is true that behavior cannot be legislated, and legislation cannot make you love me, but legislation can restrain you from lynching me, and I think that is kind of important.

And of course HL disagrees with this....

Science investigates; religion interprets. Science gives man knowledge which is power; religion gives man wisdom which is control. Science deals mainly with facts; religion deals mainly with values. The two are not rivals. They are complementary.

And Just because he wasn't ride or die (well.......... lol i guess he was 'die') Doesn't mean he wasn't extreme enough
The question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be. Will we be extremists for hate or for love? Will we be extremists for the preservation of injustice or for the extension of justice?

Family Man

May 5, 2012
lol @ obama is our MLK... i don't know about that shyt.... Obama is ..... I'm not sure yet- but even the passive, begging, ineffective MLK speeches touched on issues. He spoke on real shyt occasionally. Obama is hesitant to say anything about anything - plus he is the nations leader and not striving to be a black leader.

yea, I could see pac maturing and becoming a force.
Obama is pretty much a moral coward. If MLK was alive he would have hated Obama.


May 14, 2012
It's amazing how whitewashed MLK's image has become since his assassination. He delivered hundreds of radical speeches but the media only focuses on his most PG-rated one.
He was by far the most hated black man in America when he was alive. White folks saw him as a dangerous communist, a troublemaker who eventually got what he deserved in 1968 (Reagan even implied that he had it coming).
White southerners were enraged that his funeral was broadcast on all TV stations for 7.5 hours.
But now that he's sanctified (and safely dead) some conservatives even try to claim him :pachaha:


May 4, 2012
:whew: good thing we didn't have the internetss twitter, and youtube back then. Black people would be called racist for even supporting MLK... he would have been painted as a 'radical' race baiting villain..... who was also a communist. We have his packaged and edited speeches that he made for national audiences and to pacify others.

From reading and listening to the comments of his closes people - apparently he clowned other black preachers. When he would watch Malcolm X and others like that on TV his old feelings of not even liking CAC would come back and he would wanna join in on that side of the movement..

MLK - " the great stumbling block toward black freedom wasn't the white racist but the white moderate." :whew:

The dude was a low key pan africanist- attended the independence of African nations and even supported pan african movements in America.

"Before the pilgrims landed at Plymouth, we were here," :ohlawd:

lol @ all that I have a dream shyt. His goal was the empowerment of black people and he simply recognized that the easiest way to that was empowerment of the poor.

to crakface:

@Crakface MLK was smart imo. Idk who he answered to, but it seems that he did what he had to do to because he was America's #1 enemy. The other leaders at the time weren't as threatening as him because they basically came right out with that CAC this n that. MLK made his speeches calmer and kept his militancy on the low. "what God do white people worship? They don't worship my God" :whew:

Even the socialist and social program agendas were meant to undermine white created society in America. He knew (as we know) it's one of the easiest and only ways to level the playing field and decrease the gaps for his (our) people.

Supposedly he hated white people and their institutions up until college. After that he really didn't fukk w CAC.. just a few normal white people.

I think he was a radical- is my point. I don't think all the things he did- most pro black black people or most 'others' will agree with because he was trying to be mainstream so that he can lead the masses, but low key advocating radical agendas.

I don't agree with his non violence we are all god children bs - because it wasn't appropriate for the situation or the time.... but i do agree with this

And we can't make true progress--- unless people are less like him and more like Malcolm X... BUT I agree with this though

And of course HL disagrees with this....

And Just because he wasn't ride or die (well.......... lol i guess he was 'die') Doesn't mean he wasn't extreme enough
Power comes from ownership not walking hand in hand letting cacs beat you upside the head or some raggedy ass votes. Letting cac beat you upside the head just so you can drink from their water fountains and use their toilets just seems insane to me. The struggle to embrace massa after he kicked us out his plantation. It is not an example of black empowerment and i dont see how it advances black people in 1 way. Making whites feel bad for treating you like an animal so they'll give you a job, bravo. Thats really advancing the race there. :russ: Its a joke.

If black people arent gaining knowledge to start businesses that cater to our needs and circulate dollars in our communities, what are we doing? I mean honestly. WHAT THE fukk ARE BLACK PEOPLE DOING!?!?!? :mindblown: I see black people bragging about their BA's from cac institutions and how they've got a masters in business but then what do they do? Go enrich some big cac corporation. Do those schools even teach people how to open a real business? The people i see with flourishing businesses alot of times have no college experience. They just made it happen. Maybe college students should learn from them.

No black people just happy to get smiled at by cacs at the workplace and be friends with everyone not realizing that if you want to have a black mecca, economically, we have to make enemies. Imagine how many people would be pissed and want us gone if we took our money out of their pockets and spent it on ourselves. They'd be calling us racists, unamerican, etc, even if taxes were paid.
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