I'm not advocating that came from Yemen but it's possible that 10,000 years ago that Yemen connected to Africa and that the Nile was longer in length. Possible? Yes, Likely? No. I only give it a slight possiblities because many of the things that they mention Punt having resource wise could be in Yemen as well as East Africa.
Punt was in modern day Eritrea-Ethiopia. It's already a accepted fact in Egyptology that Punt was somewhere in East Africa, and recent genetic testing of babboons taken from trips that Egyptians took to Punt, confirms that it was in modern day Eritrea-Ethiopia.
Like I said before, its already a accepted fact in Egyptology that Punt was somewhere in East Africa. Yemen has been ruled out for a long time.
"The Location of Punt
In this section, I've provided various scholars' opinions on where the ancient Kingdom of Punt would have been located, based on the scarce information provided by the ancient Egyptians.
Egyptologists have long since given up on locating Punt in Arabia Felix (Yemen), or equating it with the biblical land of Ophir and its "mines of King Solomon." In fact, there was also a land route that brought the products of Punt to Egypt; the "mountain of Punt" and
its auriferous pools clearly lay on the borders of Kush, in the Nile Valley of Nubia.
Scholars no longer feel a need to go as far as Zanzibar or Socortra or even to Somalia in search of Punt.The book of the pharaohs By Pascal Vernus, Jean Yoyotte, David Lorton, p. 150"