Joey Styles was every bit if not more corny than all the WWF/WCW announcers he shyt on every week. He was terrible at getting angles/character/match stories over and explained, his jokes were always lame as hell, his Cartman voices were awful, while shytting on dudes for calling moves the wrong names he'd then go on to call everything a Wrestler Name Driver/Bomb, once in a while he'd brag about knowing the name of a move that would never get called on the Monday shows and then pronounce it wrong (like calling the uranage a uranaCHi for 2 years), the shyt where someone like Dreamer would do a signature move of a top level Japanese guy and Joey would act indignant that someone would steal it on Nitro next week because he didn't know it was a famous move since he didn't watch anything else, all those moves that Nova "invented" it was the same thing.
I've got about a month left of ECW's run that I've watched over this year. I'm telling you, Joey Styles fukking sucked the entire duration of the company and he was even worse in the WWE version. He was basically proto-Matt Striker if Matt Striker didn't actually know the references he was shytting out.