people keep talking about him being a big monster, but hes really not THAT big, he just moves slow like hes taller & wider.
i'm skeptical about some of this,
You will be hard pressed to find a guy that is both tall and beefy. Now think of other people that have this build. Big Show is the obvious example. In his prime he had about the same movement speed as Braun. And think about all the tall or big dudes who were like Show or Braun that just couldn't move AT ALL compared.
were his signature moves always a super outdated powerslam, and him running around outside the ring in slow motion until he applied a winded shoulderblock??
The powerslam worked for him, he didn't need anything flashy, any type of slam from a big dude look like it hurt. It's safe, and allows him to show off his strength, as he could hit on anyone (that I saw). Well his running tackle was legit at first, not many big men can even run, so it's something to show off a big of athletics, but of course WWE turned it corny by making it a signature, where he had to hype it up, then even cornier where he had to do a full lap of the ring to hit it, and the final straw was the choo choo sound effect.
I bet if you ask any big man wrestlers they would say Braun is great. But everything lose it's shine when you don't protect the gimmick. He was an absolute joke by his final days booking and gimmick wise, and I can't get mad if people think he was trash now.