Hahahahahaha....come back to this thread in a year. House of Saud will still be firmly in power.
Trump doesn’t give a fukk. Even if we had a Dem President they wouldn’t give a fuk. The Saudis are baked into the cake when it comes to US foreign policy in the ME.
People are surprised that murderous dynastic monarchies kill domestic opponents (actual or perceived)?
The only thing that can lead to downfall of the family is domestic instability. And with oil at 100/barrel, the money is flowing rather nicely.
Remember that for the saudis the more instability in the Middle East the better. Instability = higher oil prices. This is actually a blessing for them.
Lol right on cue.
The cover story has been agreed upon and you just had the most powerful person in the world disseminate the lie.
Agendas have been accomplished.
Saudis send a message - dissidents/detractors can be touched anywhere in the world.
Turks have a nice piece of leverage that can be brought out if circumstances require. They most likely also extracted some very valuable concessions from the Saudis behind the scenes.
trump has delivered something to one of his primary financial benefactors. Shows the world he’s open for business.
Breh, none of what you posted has any bearing on the current situation. Yes fracking is a danger to Saudi influence on the world market. That doesn’t mean they don’t still benefit from the higher prices. The other thing is that there is a lead time between when frackers decide the market is safe enough to re-enter and when they’re able to influence supply. A lot of the fracking operations were dismantled when prices hit rock bottom. Meanwhile Saudis are sitting on seemingly endless supply that can very easily be pumped. Lastly these guys are t operating on 10/20/50 year timelines. If it gives them breathing space for another year or 5 they’re happy.
And meanwhile the full court offensive with this bs story is currently underway. Sounds stupid and everyone knows it’s a lie but you know what? IT WILL WORK! Just like every other monumental and bald faced lie that trump and others have put forward.l, there will be a cacophony or horrified responses, editorials, statements and stories, and then eventually the press and everyone else will move on.
breh this is a new day. post trump, autocrats realize they dont have to apologize for shyt. they can lie w/ impunity. and as long as you stay strong and not give in, that eventually everything blows over.
go back and watch the interview with brennan from last week. the reporter tries to get him to completely disavow MBS but he doesn't. instead he counters to how important the saudi relationship is to the US. this is what MBS is counting on.
turkey will keep playing this song and dance, but once the bag has been secured they will claim that "all issues have been resolved between our countries" and will drop this like a hot potato
Lol remember when people thought this was going to matter. How quaint.
'I saved his a--': Trump boasted that he protected Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman after Jamal Khashoggi's brutal murder, Woodward's new book says
"I saved his ass," Trump had said amid the US outcry over Khashoggi's killing, according to Bob Woodward's new book. "I was able to get Congress to leave him alone. I was able to get them to stop."
...trump making MBS look like a chump