I live in Parkdale. I am from Columbus, Ohio. I lost 6 nikkas since I've lived here and I moved here in January. Please do not tell me about 14 people you don't know. You are not the same breed, you do not manufacture the same type of individuals. You merely copy the aesthetic and paste it over your own minor issues of adjustment, being around rich people all day, having 3rd world parents. It would suck to be poor here...but it's not very dangerous. It's only dangerous if you want it to be. In Toronto, you can mind your business...In other areas, where you've never lived...Peoples' business is minding you. Nobody has disrespected me once. I've told people to take their flags off, to stop fukking looking at me, and nikkas get shoulder checked...they do nothing. Not in the hood, not anywhere...because nikkas out here are not on that personal fight business. They don't want smoke by themselves...A lot of Americans are about that crazy life. You simply don't understand.