Cattle Mutilation
Life comes at you fast when you are 34 (I'm rounding up since the 34th bday is coming in a month).This is the most middle aged sentace I have read and I totally agree with you.
Life comes at you fast when you are 34 (I'm rounding up since the 34th bday is coming in a month).This is the most middle aged sentace I have read and I totally agree with you.
yo girl come over lets watch some walmart
:poohwhat:Netflix wil lbe out of business in a few years, and Wal-Mart will either buy themout right and swoop up their assets to position themselves better against Amazon
Getting shows and movies everybody wants is not that easy anymore. Those studios and networks got hip to the game and now overcharge Netflix, Amazon, etc. to stream their content.. up into the hundreds of millions. It was cheap and easy to get content when they first started but now Netflix and and likes are threathing the very fabric of network television and the movie industry so now if they want their content they gotta bend over and pay up big money. That's why they started to make their own shows and movies. Walmart or any new player is going to face the same shyt. If you want all the 'crack' on Netflix then they'll have to raise to monthly price to at least $20 bucks a month for starters.nah, they need content people want that netflix doesn't have. there are tons of people who complain about netflix dumping shows. and Walmart is a $500 B company, if they decide to really do this and do it right, there isn't a new show they'd lose to netflix on a dollars and sense basis, maybe preexisting relationships, but the only people who'd go dollar for dollar with them are amazon and apple (if they decided to pursue OG content).
I'm astounded at someone being such a consistently awful poster:poohwhat:
yo girl come over lets watch some walmart
I'm astounded at someone being such a consistently awful poster
they sold vudu and now they want to go back in.
this would only work if they make some sort of deal like you get a free pvod movie a month or something
but knowing how walmart rolls I'm expecting a deal with hallmark in the next 5 months
yeah a year or two agothey sold it?
talk about retarded