Again I don’t get why you guys be so surprised that people be fukking their co workers. Most people meet other people at the workplace. Some of y’all parents met each other at work.
Yep, my parents met each other at work. My dad was stationed at Fort McNair in DC, living on the barracks. My mom pulled up to the docks at Fort McNair with the Coast Guard and the rest is history...
Only industries that are dominated by one gender probably have minimal fraternization (like construction or Victoria's Secret) and even there I'm sure there's some homo relationships going on...
People build relationships, both intimate and platonic, with people they are around the most. If you work full time you're working at least 7 hours daily, at least 5 days a week, and many people are working more hours in their day and more than 5 days...
It's normal, it happens, it isn't a bad thing. I do agree with the protections in place about positions of leadership relating to subordinates but even then it shouldn't be a fireable offense unless it's super reckless and outta control...
The last restaurant chain I worked at prior to my current had it in place that if you in management became involved with someone, if you told them about it they just transferred one of you to a different unit in market. The current chain I'm in just this year started allowing it company-wide in the same unit if it wasn't a distraction----->we had a chick in our management who'd been fukking with another chick in our staff for over two years and it became a distraction though, so they made the staff member either transfer or resign, and she chose to quit...