our former black king y'all

And I don't know why black chicks wanna be native so bad. I find Amerindian chicks to be among the ugliest. Just my opinion. This is why ppl on here prefer Dominicans over PRs and Mexicans.
If AAs even had a lot of NA admixture then we would be freaking looking like Afro-Latinos who do have significant indigenous dna. I agree ppl don't know how natives look like.
not c00ns, just stupid misinformed, and under the case of "smart dumb nikka"Rappers are usually c00ns brehs
why doesnt he just take a DNA test? bet he's lowkey afraid at the percentage of black he'll see
We only claiming Wop anyway....
Why doesn't he just get a dna test since he seems so confident lol.
"I'm other, I'm uneducated, I'm confused.. but I damn sure ain't black!"
Exactly...If AAs even had a lot of NA admixture then we would be freaking looking like Afro-Latinos who do have significant indigenous dna. I agree ppl don't know how natives look like.