Old Member
bout to load up on ramen and tuna
Dude said no roids though breh
When it comes to people being built like that, I just think "Did any bodybuilder pre-1950 look like this" and the answer is pretty much no everytime. Hell even the 50s weight lifters used anabolics and even they didn't get to that size.
There's a huge disparity between how he looks and how bodybuilders in the all-natural class look. He may not have used roids in prison, but he's sure as hell on something now, dude got veins in his traps.
and steroids, obviously and they are easy to get in prison among other things...
how come every time a nikka see somebody bigger than himself, they assume its roids?
how come every time a nikka see somebody bigger than himself, they assume its roids?
doesnt surprise me
everyone talking clean this clean that
truth is if you lift eat sleep you will get big its never been rocket science
"big" but not aesthetic. Unless you're an ecto maybe.