yeah right...i know plenty of masons who DIDN'T EVEN COMPLETE HIGH SCHOOL..............
it's always been a fraternity for the common folk at least here in america....all this NOBILITY and ELITISIM you guys speak of was in centuries gone past over in Europe when freemasonry was still aligned with Knighthood from a ceremonial legacy perspective...
in laymen's terms when u think Masonry ..think UNIONS.....
like in the form of Labor Unions....that's primarily where masonry get it's infrastructure from , once a certain contingent of Operative Masons (brick) whom were involved in temple/church construction decided to add some "illustrative characteristics" to thier craft in order to show the relationship between literal "building" and spiritual "building" of a man.
and like UNIONS Masonry needs $$$ in the form of DUES PAYING members to fill out it's lodges
so any ole fool (no disrespect) with about a 100 dollars to spare and some free time can qualify as a canidate for freemasonry....
you guys really need to cut down on your David Icke conspiracy consumption....
cause that shyt's cray!!!!!!!!!!!!