- "I DM'ed him on Instagram to do an interview. We agreed to do the interview for $100k, it's the most I've ever spent on an interview by far"
- "The agreement was I would do the interview, with the assumption that I was found not guilty"
- "The problem was, he said he wants the money in cash. I had to check with my CFO if that was ok"
- "OJ said he wants the entire amount before he walks into the room, and I said no. I can't risk him walking out in the interview after 20 min"
- "I told them I can do half up front, half at the end. They still said no. OJ said 100k up front or no deal"
- "I couldn't take the $100K risk for my company. I'm not NBC where I can just write off a check with no problem"
Damn, the #1 culture vulture who has been instigating beefs for 15+ plus years ain't got it like that?
The Pop the balloon plumber dude could pull out $100k out of his bank account, so why not Vlad?
Shout out to OJ Simpson for attempting to swindle DJ Vlad, only wanting to do a short interview for 100k