You didn’t read the article probably because your IQ is too low to understand it. The US can print money because it has the assets and credit to back it up.
financial position of the United States includes
assets of at least $269
trillion (1576% of
GDP) and
debts of $145.8 trillion (852% of GDP) to produce a
net worth of at least $123.8 trillion (723% of GDP).
Once again we circle back to you being the product of generational buffoonery not being able to finance a Motorola and someone like Elon Musk being able to buy the largest social media site in the planet with near 0 liquidity.
The US has infinite financial backing, resources and confidence in our markets. Including the worlds reserve currency.
Financing social welfare, infrastructure abs the common good like any first world country is not going to cause hyper inflation in this reality goof troop
You don’t know what a thesis is and I doubt you graduated high school unless you are a no child left behind kid as to why you love Republicans