Vote for Christe Brehs: Teacher Claims she was 'Bullied' at Christie Campaign Event

Jul 25, 2012
no i just mean since you mentioned you worked in schools , i did too up until a couple of months ago, what would u like to see be done different

I don't know what the solution is. One thing I'm not a fan of is summer vacation (European countries kicking our asses in Education have small breaks throughout the year so the students don't have to re-learn material every September).

Another thing I would change is No Child Left Behind, which led to an obssessive focus on standardized testing (which leads to "teaching to the test" instead of conceptual understanding of things).

I would also like to see fair evaluation of teachers. I understand why teachers don't want to be evaluated, because the measures have been pretty unfair. But as of right now, many teachers are getting away with murder doing a horrible job (out of neglect/carelessness/jadedness) because they can't get fired. Which leads me to my next point, something should be done about teachers unions, which give shytty teachers immunity.

These things wouldn't solve everything, but it seems like they would be a nice start.