Once Ja and Ashanti got rolling everyone else became songwriters and afterthoughts

Once Ja and Ashanti got rolling everyone else became songwriters and afterthoughts
Kinda like everyone on young money that’s not weezy, Drake, or nicki.
Once Ja and Ashanti got rolling everyone else became songwriters and afterthoughts
An album cover isn't proof of anything except that your argument is weak. Also, since the inception of murder inc, Irv never bragged or even mentioned his relationship with Preme until 2003 and that was completely due to 50 constantly blabbering about it for years, literally.Negro please ...
With Supreme backing him ..u couldn't tell Gotti that he wasn't a DON DADA of the streets...
Which is why 50 pressed harder on him more than Ja
word. Irv ain't try to push no one but ja and ashanti
caddy had a banger in the streets and caddy couldn't get no love
@ the idea of a Black Child LP
Sheek's albums are surprisingly good and more consistent than Jada's..especially the first two.LOX always had the same problem Jada+Styles the only ones who can be solo artists features crew or none...Sheek works better on mixtapes off the dome for a reason lol
But love or laugh at Ja for gettim punked all the time lol Him and Ashanti was the only ones on.the label who could a whole album people would buy...Would you really wanna hear this nikka and/or Black over 15 songs??
Sheek's albums are surprisingly good and more consistent than Jada's..especially the first two.
caddy was decent, we all know black was muscle.
im just saying, irv could have done something with caddy. caddy had pov city out there and even a part on the jlo song, wasn't like he wasn't unknown. could have put him and vita together, him and charlie. irv had 2 acts going at the inc who were bringing in millions but if you was in his position, wouldn't you try to make something out of nothing with rest of the guys on the roster.