At Over the Limit, John Cena faced John Laurinaitis in a match where if Laurinaitis lost he would be fired. The stupidity of the match came mostly in the set up and the aftermath. The setup is Big Show mocking Laurinaitis backstage which then causes Eve Torres to grass him up and force him to apologise or he'll be fired. After a long drawn out segment of power pornwhere the big guy begs for his job, Show is fired. Cena then goes to the board of directors and tells them not to fire Laurinaitis for this, but instead to wait until he's beaten him in a match where no employee can interfere or else they would be fired. Laurinaitis v Cena main events Over the Limit, and naturally Big Show interferes on behalf of Laurinaitis and turns heel. In the worst piece of writing in history WWE Creative fukks up its own storyline by having Laurinaitis read out he rehired the Big Show on Saturday, this was not an Adamle the script said "Saturday". Nobody in WWE remembered their own stipulation or noticed the utter epic fail they'd made of it, but the Internet did and soundly mocked them for it. At that point, they finally caught on and tried to cover their own asses by having Cole say that Show was rehired on Monday morning instead