Virginia State Legislature holds tribute to Robert E. Lee. Black Lt. Governor says GTFOH


Aug 9, 2013
"Hey guys, i know he was fighting to continue the most evil institution in american history, but besides that, he had integrity and blah blah blah blah blah." the hypocrisy and mental gymnastics of these white b*stardS on full display here. they truly are the worst evil ever witnessed on this planet.

Brother that's not why the civil war was fought, and we gotta stop saying this. white people have said quite plainly what the civil war was about, and it was about the preservation of the nation. slavery was used as a cover, kinda like the modern "war on terror."

The civil war was fought because you can't allow your country to be split into separate nations sharing the same space, and white folks were not about to let the country partition itself, for any reason. It opens yourself up to foreign involvement, which is basically what we see on the african continent today in many of those countries. France holds the political influence in some, in others you have different european nations. in some of those countries you have two different foreign powers jockeying for position which leads to african troops fighting proxy wars while the mother countries sit back and watch and laugh. i've read that's what rwanda was about: a proxy war between the u.s. and france. now you have the chinese moving in. You can't have one country which is independent or a dependent of, say, Britain, and then right next to it have a country that's a dependent of Spain.

think of slavery as the old reel lawn mowers, the ones with no engine. the south was still using those and insistent on continuing to use them, while the north had invented the modern 2 cycle rotary mower. there's alotta grass to cut in this new land and alotta money to be made, especially as they were looking to expand westward. the north wasn't about to slow their technological progress, which would've meant slowing their money as well as hindering the growth and expansion of the western territories, so that the south could continue using production methods that had become obsolete because that's what they had become accustomed to. And they damn sure weren't about to just let the south split off and form their own little nation so that france and england and spain could reenter american politics.

they said as much in the debates leading up to the constitutional convention about a century earlier, and they also predicted the civil war in those session. go pick up the anti-federalist papers. they usually have em in half price books in paperback for around $4.


You will be trolled
May 13, 2015
Brother that's not why the civil war was fought, and we gotta stop saying this. white people have said quite plainly what the civil war was about, and it was about the preservation of the nation. slavery was used as a cover, kinda like the modern "war on terror."

The civil war was fought because you can't allow your country to be split into separate nations sharing the same space, and white folks were not about to let the country partition itself, for any reason. It opens yourself up to foreign involvement, which is basically what we see on the african continent today in many of those countries. France holds the political influence in some, in others you have different european nations. in some of those countries you have two different foreign powers jockeying for position which leads to african troops fighting proxy wars while the mother countries sit back and watch and laugh. i've read that's what rwanda was about: a proxy war between the u.s. and france. now you have the chinese moving in. You can't have one country which is independent or a dependent of, say, Britain, and then right next to it have a country that's a dependent of Spain.

think of slavery as the old reel lawn mowers, the ones with no engine. the south was still using those and insistent on continuing to use them, while the north had invented the modern 2 cycle rotary mower. there's alotta grass to cut in this new land and alotta money to be made, especially as they were looking to expand westward. the north wasn't about to slow their technological progress, which would've meant slowing their money as well as hindering the growth and expansion of the western territories, so that the south could continue using production methods that had become obsolete because that's what they had become accustomed to. And they damn sure weren't about to just let the south split off and form their own little nation so that france and england and spain could reenter american politics.

they said as much in the debates leading up to the constitutional convention about a century earlier, and they also predicted the civil war in those session. go pick up the anti-federalist papers. they usually have em in half price books in paperback for around $4.
he was fighting for the army that allows slavery to exist, therefore, he was fighting to preserve slavery. he was also fine with slavery existing or he wouldn't have been a general in that army, so fukk him. very strange that a black man would type an essay to me in defense of these devils. also, your third paragraph destroys the rest of your argument as slavery was the fuel of the southern economy, so what are you even in here talking about? the entire war was bc of slavery in one form or another. if it did not exist, then the civil war would not have been fought. i'm not gonna go back and forth with you either, so you can respond with another dissertation, but it won't be read.


Aug 9, 2013
he was fighting for the army that allows slavery to exist, therefore, he was fighting to preserve slavery. he was also fine with slavery existing or he wouldn't have been a general in that army, so fukk him. very strange that a black man would type an essay to me in defense of these devils. also, your third paragraph destroys the rest of your argument as slavery was the fuel of the southern economy, so what are you even in here talking about? the entire war was bc of slavery in one form or another. if it did not exist, then the civil war would not have been fought. i'm not gonna go back and forth with you either, so you can respond with another dissertation, but it won't be read.

Well I’ll write it anyway. I understand your need to try to save face because people are reading. Anyway, if believing that this country went to war to free Black people is something you need to believe then feel free. Lotta Blacks have that kinda low self-esteem where they need to believe something good about their relationship with white people, regardless of whether it’s true or not.

Lee was a white man from Virgina. I don’t expect a white man from the antebellum south to do other than he did, so I don’t take it personal when other crakkkas honor him. Dont waste my time worrying about confederate flags or statues of old dead crakkkas either. Don’t tell me you’re one of those who gets hurt when you find out a white man is white and acts in a way that upholds white supremacy? Lol. Hate to tell you, but whites have the same right to nationalism as we do, and what offends nikkas like you is that they’ve exercised that right all over the planet. Same right to honor their “heroes” as we do. That offends nikkas like you to the point of tears.

What would be your response to white people over in Africa taking down a statue of someone like Shaka? Actually your response wouldn’t matter because we haven’t the power to stop them.

And I didn’t destroy my argument. You’re trying to humanize yourself through the institution of slavery, which is why it’s important for you to believe that those white men went to war for you, and I’m telling you those folks woulda went to war over the brickmaking process if the south wasn’t moving fast enough for the north’s liking. We weren’t human to them. And their own writings confirm this. Hell whites could’ve kept slavery if they would’ve agreed to remain part of the union, and some compromises were made so that certain states that remained loyal could retain slavery. Humanity had nothing at all to do it. Which brings me to my last point.

I tried to put you up on some info so you’re not running around in 2019 on some emotional bytch shyt, believing in the northern white man, but you’d rather stay bytch. So I’ll let you. Please have that precious last word. People are watching, I know you need it.

But for all others who want to start looking at real history logically, without all the womanly emotion, I suggest you read what I suggested to the Brother here. Just because he wants to hang back with the ignorant doesn’t mean we all have to.