The government was complicit in sterilizing Ethiopians.
Incorrect. Nobody was forcibly sterilized or even pressured besides a couple of anecdotes. The miscommunication between them and the doctors could have easily been caused by language issues.
Members of the government participate in racist rallies
Anti-illegal immigration rallies are not racist.
and are neither recalled nor censured. Netanyahu himself oversees illegal detainment of "illegal" immigrants, people who he decides are "legally" Israelis.
There is nothing illegal about detaining illegal immigrants.
Almost all Israelis are immigrants.
Except for the majority, who aren't.
A Sudanese person is no more illegal than an Eastern European living in a settlement.
Sudanese who applied for refugee status (AKA those who are actually refugees) were provided with shelter, apartments, free money, and an education. Those who came for work (are not refugees) are illegal because they crossed Israel's borders illegally.
There is no such thing as free speech in Israel.
Except for the fact that
there are Israeli Muslim politicians, in the Knesset, who openly call for Israel's destruction.
The Israeli government has curtailed Palestinians protests in the past, and violently too.
Yes, since their protests include
stoning Israelis who walk by.
So what is the justification for not doing the same in this case? The government shuts down radio stations and arrests so-called provocaters without charge.
Maybe true according to your blogs, but not reality. If you don't break the law, you don't get arrested.
The same government enforces an illegal blockade around Gaza
It is illegal to ban lunatics who shoot hundreds of rockets at you from getting weapons now
and continually infringes on people's human rights by kidnapping, torturing and murdering without charge or trial.
According to Palestinians.
The same government bulldozes over Palestinian homes and harms/kills people in the process.
And Israeli homes, when they were built without a permit.
I'm confused. Is it normal for non-Jews to be pro-Zionist? Why?
It is normal for people who aren't prejudice to be pro-Zionist. Because:
1) They don't abide by the "Israel is wrong until proven right" mentality.
2) They understand it would be irresponsible for Israel to endanger its own citizens
3) They apply critical thinking and do research on anti-Israel bias and propaganda - and investigate thoroughly
4) They don't look at all information that can be used against Israel, and ignore information that supports Israel
When you don't hate Jews, the above 4 actually turn up quite useful.