the difference is that if WWE doesn't go forward with programming, they can lose both of their $200 million+ TV deals with Fox and USA. the indie companies don't have that issue. they're just losing their $700 live gate once a month.
if WWE closed up shop and lost their TV deals, then the entire business is a wrap.
Maybe that's what needs to happen for change
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the history of the WWE for some of the good, but come one the bad just don't provide much care for Ace

. Maybe it's time for the indies to merged from the bottom sort of like the revenge of the territories. Hell, Impact of all places actually got it right

. They have almost a month and some change of tapings that can last through the pandemic until things get a bit stable. WWE in a way got too greedy and the stomach pretty much exploded. If yall keep tabs on my posts, the writing was on the wall. They got too full of themselves to understand that all of this balling and trying to become a megacorporation is not going to work without a bit of a back up plan. The entire business being over because the WWE could fumble the ball is not going to happen on a carny's watch. There will be another company that will fill those shoes. It's almost like WWE lived by WCW's sword and Flair flopped faced first on the sword.