First, Evolution 2 finally. That would segue to an all women’s show over on Lifetime network. Initial few weeks will basically be Mae Young Classic 3. Beyond that, yea occasional bigger name, but mostly the underexposed, including some ladies from NXT. It will foster a different feel, be targeted towards female fans in particular, have its own writers. I’d court well known brands that like to “target” (put intended, as I’m including them) advertisers that cater to women. You’d see ads for Total Bellas, the Miz and Mrs. Show, and in most cases, the Raw/SD/NXT commercials will primarily feature the top women’s storylines going on that week. I’d have some superstars appear at the Women’s Expos, Anime cons, some spots you don’t normally find WWE names.
After getting the Lifetime bag, I’ll move on over to the CW. They’re technically syndicated but it’s a “network” still. I’ll have they ass put on a 5 nights a week Mon-Fri show called Weeknight Superstars. 30 mins each show, like 9c/10e or some shyt, a little something to put on before you go to bed. Squash and jobber bouts, exposure for the underexposed. An occasional “big name.” Would be an effective vehicle in hyping up the next episode of all the main shows, depending on the day before. 205 is going bye bye, so this is an alternate, not bounded by a specific theme, and you don’t need the Network watch it.
Aside from that, off top I’d keep Raw, SD, and NXT wrestlers and angles strictly on their own shows, no crossovers.
Circling back to the ladies, I’ll reignite WWE Magazine in the form of one of those thick ass 600 page women’s magazines with tons of ads. It’s feature WWE/NXT superstars, but have a variety in terms of articles, interviews, product reviews, fan letters, etc. Female fans will cop and read them; make fans would collect and beat off to them.