I worked with a chick like this, college aged girl who think she knows everything and has been watching wrestling for a year and change & all the sudden is an expert on the product and industry.
More power to her, I guess.
Weirdly I understand Vince's desire to protect kayfabe on some level. I get it, no fans think the product is real in 2020 but having that curtain over it is still what it makes fun, enjoyable and keeps viewers engaged (at least on some level).
Heel Kevin Owen's being a maniacal b*stard in the ring and terrorizing fans and then wishing a 9 year old a Happy birthday on Cameo just isn't the best look for the product.
WWE/WWF has always monitored what talent does publicly while under contract, that's just how they run their business. Micromanaging talent you could argue is a tenet to their success.
There is hopefully a happy medium somewhere to where the roster can still take advantage of opportunities but also not completely destroy kayfabe in the process.