There’s nothing like playing in NY and KP misses the energy he use to get playing in the Garden.
i listened to the interview and throughout it sounds like KP has realized he was a dikkhead in his early years in the league in NY and DAL.
he said that the Knicks were going to trade him anyway and did so right after he officially asked out...but even he knows a lot of things - probably on both sides - led up to him being traded to the Mavs the way he was.
i almost forgot about the amount of change and instability he had during his 3-4 years here - Fisher, Hornacek, Fizdale, Melo being traded, Phil Jackson being let go. that's a lot of movement for a young dude just coming into this country, in NY, expected to become a star. granted, he was living his NY life and all while here...but he was a young, dumb kid with an annoying brother helping him make poor decisions.