Vikings: Vahalla....... Netflix.......2022


Jul 30, 2012
Watching this now, a black woman runs Kattegat now :ehh:

I have seen the first 4 episodes…bro floki would have killed him self if that were the vikings at the time when he was alive. And wtf does black african woman have to do beiing a viking. I fill like this this sirie was made by an lgbt emily with blue hair.

I stopped to watch first episode at 35 minutes, turned off my pc and went to sleep. I'm not a descendant of the Vikings, I'm a descendant of the Romans, but for solidarity to the Scandinavian friends, I will not watch a TV show where a Scandinavian white nobleman is played by a black woman. I'm waiting for the day when Netflix, HBO and Amazon Prime Video will end the rewriting of European History and Culture. These companies must go bankrupt.

She's gonna pull a glock

I was like "Please don't make a joke out of our history and don't put a token woman of color, for the love of Odin, please." and then of course, a strong woman of color in Northern Europe

F Black washing you are real racist

Everything America craps out is the same. They just apply their social ideology to the whole world and all timelines. In 'The great' there are bunch of black people in the Russian queens court. How many black or foreign actors did the recent film Mulan have in comparison? This level of blatant blackwashing and diversification of all regarding European history is unprecedented and incredibly bizarre. How quickly it went from some out of place extras to now straight up main characters and real historic figures..

Can Hollywood please stop blackwashing ancient European history? Seriously non white people are you really offended by a show with an entire white cast? Make a show about an African tribe with a warrior trying to prove himself a worthy warrior in his tribe with an all black cast and I’ll watch with popcorn and all. A Samurai movie with an all Asian cast and I will watch with popcorn and all. Is it really too much to ask that Atonement, Vikings, Valhalla, Lord of the rings, Troy, the green knight, Snow White, Robin Hood, Britannia, and so on be all white?

We wuz vikangz

Netflix is the most racist company in the US, change my mind

Netflix doesn't make me woke, it makes me hate sjws and become negatively biased against black people in movies/series. Thanks Netflix!

There were no black vikings sorry

Black vikings?
Sorry, but wouldn't that be also cultural appropriation?