All them helicopters and cars for a group of unruly young menPeople have gone full retard![]()

Young men are prone to bouts of fisticuffs. 4 cruisers tops is all they needed
All them helicopters and cars for a group of unruly young menPeople have gone full retard![]()
I cannot sanction this buffooneryWill Smith and Tommy Lee Jones about to work some overtime...![]()
All them helicopters and cars for a group of unruly young men?
Young men are prone to bouts of fisticuffs. 4 cruisers tops is all they needed
The reports mention the kids were tossing firecrackers at each other which at first ppl/police thought was gunfire.
Active shooter the day after a school shooting in Iowa will draw this much law enforcement attention.
South Florida confusing fireworks with actual gunfire? Possible, but unlikely with that type of response. That’s something that could have been cleared up in 15 minutes