Flipping out over Chick-Fil-A chicken sandwiches. Shooting up the offices of conservative organizations. Telling black people that Republicans are going to lock them up in chains.
Liberals are losing their motherfukking minds. We are actually witnessing one of the political parties in America have a collective meltdown. These lunatics are not fit to run this country.

are we not gonna talk about this post. so the mosque shooting wasnt a conservative?

and yes, republicans are closet racists. u must be trolling with that entire last paragraph.
on topic, toure is an idiot, but anyone who takes news reporters for experts is an idiot. they're just like us, they have opinions and biases.
i think he's right but he phrased it the wrong way for sensitive america. u can say almost anything about someone but accuse them of being racist and all hell breaks loose.
but mitts not racist, i mean look at his cult, they're totally accepting of black people, right?