Video: Jackie Robinson was the Reggie Bush of his day

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Remember when he refused to say Hitler was evil? hard is it to just say Hitler was evil and leave it at that? :mjlol:

He wasn't evil, he was a human being who had ideas.
Instead of writing him off as a boogie man who was some how "different" why not acknowledge him for what he was, a human being a man with faults and good traits.

But then look at him when it comes to alt-right targets:

The black electorate have been brainwashed into supporting white liberals, even though they are evil
All this time fukking with Dems and them doing nothing and folks still cape for that evil as party that sells blacks up the river.
Yes Obama is up there with all the other war criminals and disgusting people who were president.
Like I said you want to cape for a piece of shyt like Obama because he is black more power to you, the man is human scum, and if this world were fair he would be dead a long time ago for the evil he has carried out in this world.

And then this cac has a stroke while defending hitler. yall :heh:
shyt man, you gonna make me wake up my baby. :russ:


Dec 2, 2015
Remember when he refused to say Hitler was evil?

But then look at him when it comes to alt-right targets:
I dont.say anyone is evil.
I say people do evil.things.
Sad you cant comprehend that.
Like I said though at the.end.of you are only mad because I shyt on your white daddy.



Dec 2, 2015
And then this cac has a stroke while defending hitler. yall :heh:
Im a cac because I said.the usa treated black americans worse than hitler and nazi germany.

Lol the lack of.thought some of you think that qualifies as caping for hitler or supporting nazis is.crazy, but hey, most of the people complaining are liberal c00ns

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I dont.say anyone is evil.
I say people do evil.things.
Sad you cant comprehend that.


The black electorate have been brainwashed into supporting white liberals, even though they are evil

I fear for my black americans who these evil doctors get on SSRIs and the murders it will bring to our communities

evil Saudis live off spreading wahabbism around the globe.

LeBron wants to be real he calles out white supremacy period, not try to play some ridiculous DNC is good and trump is evil game. They are all evil

And then, in typical alt-right fashion:

She is a evil woman.

She got him in order to trap him, she is a evil woman

How is a evil girl doing something evil an indictment on him

Jay better leave that girl alone. Real talk she has an evil aura

The color of the women he sleeps with has nothing to do with what an evil woman tried to do to him


Dec 2, 2015
You take.threads where im talking informally about tv.shows, the atttactiveness of women, or talking in general about abstracts like groups.

All because you are mad that I dont give a damn about your white liberals daddy. Lol

You are a regular terry cloth c00ning for white liberals isnt going to get you anuwhere breh. Lol

And then, in typical alt-right fashion:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
All because you are mad that I dont give a damn about your white liberals daddy. Lol

Breh, NO ONE has been defending White liberals anywhere in here. You're just making that up out of thin air.

You keep getting caught coming to the defense of racist White guys like Hitler, Trump, Ron Paul, John Wilkes Booth....then whenever people come at you for it you start screaming, "liberals, liberals, liberals!" like it's a magic spell.

p.s. - and all those women you said were "evil" are real life people, not TV characters, you legit just made the TV thing up. Padma Lakshmi is evil but Hitler and Trump are not? You got some issues.
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Dec 2, 2015
Breh, NO ONE has been defending White liberals anywhere in here. You're just making that up out of thin air.

You keep getting caught coming to the defense of racist White guys like Hitler, Trump, Ron Paul, John Wilkes Booth....then whenever people come at you for it you start screaming, "liberals, liberals, liberals!" like it's a magic spell.

p.s. - and all those women you said were "evil" are real life people, not TV characters, you legit just made the TV thing up. Padma Lakshmi is evil but Hitler and Trump are not? You got some issues.

nikka in this thread, your whole crying to me is because you seem to be angry that white liberal daddy in the US was said to be not shyt.
You are in the position of angruing against me for saying the US is a truly dispicable and racist nation.

P.S. those are tv shows and entertainment threads you quotes, so yeah, you're reaching like a motherfukker.

Its okay though, I believe that you truly think in your mind you'll get butter biscuits for the "work" you're putting in for white "daddy"


Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
nikka in this thread, your whole crying to me is because you seem to be angry that white liberal daddy in the US was said to be not shyt.
You are in the position of angruing against me for saying the US is a truly dispicable and racist nation.

Its okay though, I believe that you truly think in your mind you'll get butter biscuits for the "work" you're putting in for white "daddy"

Your only defense is to lie? Shows how legit you think your position is.

The question is why you ran in :cape: for Hitler, choosing to believe White German narratives about what a nice guy he is while calling Jesse's own Black family liars. Same way you repeatedly :cape: for Trump, Ron Paul, John Wilkes Booth, neo-Confederate authors, far-right propaganda mills, anyone who your alt-right friends tell you to cape for.

NO ONE has defended the USA in this thread. NO ONE has defended liberals in this thread. NO ONE has put in work for White Daddy in this thread except YOU.

Notice how I've been able to quote all the bullshyt you've said, and you can't quote anyone doing the things you claim they doing?

P.S. those are tv shows and entertainment threads you quotes, so yeah, you're reaching like a motherfukker.
You lie and deflect like a mofo. You weren't talking about no TV show here. You ain't talking about TV here or here either.


Dec 2, 2015
Your only defense is to lie? Shows how legit you think your position is.

The question is why you ran in :cape: for Hitler, choosing to believe White German narratives about what a nice guy he is while calling Jesse's own Black family liars. Same way you repeatedly :cape: for Trump, Ron Paul, John Wilkes Booth, neo-Confederate authors, far-right propaganda mills, anyone who your alt-right friends tell you to cape for.

NO ONE has defended the USA in this thread. NO ONE has defended liberals in this thread. NO ONE has put in work for White Daddy in this thread except YOU.

Notice how I've been able to quote all the bullshyt you've said, and you can't quote anyone doing the things you claim they doing?

You lie and deflect like a mofo. You weren't talking about no TV show here. You ain't talking about TV here or here either.
Talk about me lying and then claim I caped firbhitlwr by telling the truth and attacking the us givwrnment and its society when I literally stated how crazy it was that the us was even more racist to irs own citizens than nazi germany.

This is hiw dekusiobal you liberal coobs are, me attacking the us isnt attacking the us its praising hitler, evem though anyone with half a brain knows there was no peaise at all for hitler in my comment and on top of that my comment is factually true and confirmed by owens himself. Lol

I as for the second part I literally said tv and entertainment threads, now what? Better try reading again get your white daddys dikk out your face. :smile:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Lol, like I said its funny how mad some of you.get when I point out your white daddy aint shyt and demonstrated more racism.towards black americans.tham.fucling.hitlwr.

Also, ahit jesse owens.himselfnsaid, reality, makesbyou angry.
Talk about me lying and then claim I caped firbhitlwr by telling the truth and attacking the us givwrnment and its society when I literally stated how crazy it was that the us was even more racist to irs own citizens than nazi germany.

This is hiw dekusiobal you liberal coobs are, me attacking the us isnt attacking the us its praising hitler, evem though anyone with half a brain knows there was no peaise at all for hitler in my comment and on top of that my comment is factually true and confirmed by owens himself. Lol

And then this cac has a stroke while defending hitler. yall :heh:


Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Remember, this is how David_TheMan derailed the thread:

Oh yeah and his older brother Mack Robinson came in 2nd to Jesse Owens at the 1936 Olympics in Nazi Germany
Sonned the fukk out of Hitler...

No he really didn't.
Hitler shook his hand and gave him an autographed picture and acknowledged his success.

And he REPEATEDLY derails threads by coming in to :cape: for Hitler. Here are some previous threads:

He actually did shake Jesse Owens hand in private before leaving and sent Owens a gift. Owens carried the picture of him and HItler shaking hands in his wallet. He also allowed Jesse Owens and the other black american olympians to stay in the best hotels in germany.
Multiple article state that Hitler didn't leave in disgust and sent Owens a gift.
He wasn't evil, he was a human being who had ideas.
Instead of writing him off as a boogie man who was some how "different" why not acknowledge him for what he was, a human being a man with faults and good traits.
Nothing you described about Hitler is any different than what any leader of the US did at the same time or any of the western world.
So stop acting like Hitler was evil in carnate, he is no different than many of the politicians you see on tv today. Only thing is he lost.

Just like he :cape: for Confederates
Factually the majority of the south werent slaveholders.
African American Involvement in the Confederate Army | Ford's Theatre

68% of households didn't own slaves.
32% is an extremely small percentage.
32% is really just the households.
If you look at it by population it was less than 10% of the total population in the south that even owned slaves.

Either way the whole mythbusting aspect is ruined when they can't refute the fact that the majority of the south did not own slaves, and try to talk about the attitude of white supremacy of the south in its place.

32% of households doesn't refute the fact that a majority of the south didn't own slaves by the way.

He :cape: for John Wilkes Booth and then quotes neoConfederates (whose books he owns) to support his argument
How did Lincoln get shot for slavery when he was shot after the war?
He was shot because he was a crooked politician hated by northerns and southerners.
Like I said Lincoln wasn't killed because of black citizenship. 13th and 15th addressed those questions.
At his death Lincoln was actually one of the most hated presidents in US history.
Evidence for The Unpopular Mr. Lincoln
How Lincoln was hated!
I'm sorry about the links I posted about how much they hated him during his life, but I have a book The Real Lincoln by Tom DiLorenzo that goes more into the actual goings on at the time regarding the hate that Lincoln had even post death. Such as US military sentencing members who spoke out about how much they hated him to death and etc.
I don't care who Tom is associated with.
If I said I was supporting a new confederacy, if I said I admired the confederates, you might have a point, but you don't.
You are right, I got into a convo about Dilorenzo at another site, when I didn't know.
Yeah looking back nothing to apologize for in our conversation on this site.
Thanks for that, no reason for me to type that at all here.
Yep I apologized for the only thing I needed to, and then had info that supported what I said, so think this alone shows that you lied when you claimed my links refuted what I said, they didn't.
And again thanks for reminding me our convo was not the one I was thinking about, I had no reason to apologize about DiLorenzo in my convo with you.

David_TheMan even said it was wrong to fire a cop for flying the Confederate Flag:
Department is going to get sued and this woman is about to get paid.
Can't penalize people for political speech.
Police typically have certain morality clauses, which flying a flag like the confederate flag would be hard to be applied to.

on top of that raising a confederate flag can't directly be tied to being a white supermacy or racist group.
there is a total breach of rights here, most likely gonna get them on a violation of 1st amendment, since this is the state and not a private business. the worker has a right to express political opinion without being punished by the state with regard to being removed from their profession. Department overreached and now its going to cost the citizens of the town tax dollars
No it isn't anything close to treason.
The US is not at war with the confederacy it won.
As a black man, this hate for the confederate flag is absurd to me
For a black man there isn't any real difference between the confederate flag or the us flag if you want to be real
I dont believe in the lost cause, even though I do believe the civil war had nothing to do with fighting against slavery.
This is purely her having a confederate flag in her yard and being fired by her local government agency, and they are going to have very real 1st amendment problems upholding the firing.
Article I read said her record is full of commendations.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Goddamn, couldn't even get it all to fit in one comment.

David_The Man :cape: for racist Ron Paul
Rand and Ron Paul are some of the better ones who are actually politicians, especially Ron.
Damn Gop needs to beg Ron Paul to come in the game and save them.
He is their only hope
Would be great if Ron Paul was still in Congress.
Ron Paul gave them a plan, they rejected it, not enough monetary kick back.
Listen to Ron Paul vs the GOP establishment in the primaries and witness a man body a whole audience, moderator, and everyone on stage.
Fact is there is only been one guy in recent time who wasn't bought and paid for by those in power and that was Ron Paul
It would be interesting, but we saw the same shyt from the RNC when they froze Ron Paul out last time.
Yep, but I think there is enough idiocy or your average white and black voters to show why all rejected Ron Paul

And there are ALL the times he keeps trying to deflect in Trump threads with "But Obama!!!!" rhetoric:

you guys are talking about fukking Trump like he is the end of the world, when things were worse under Obama, and no one held him accountable.
lOL that you think Trump is a tipping point shows that you are still in the matrix kid.
The funny part about you trump scared people is that you don't even realize that objectively things were worse under Obama as far as blacks being murdered by cops than under Trump.
HIllary is no different than Trump, she backs the same police militerization, she just comes out and sheds a few fake tears for the camera and says she didn't mean it.
Hell Obama was for this shyt, but notice how Maher didn't mention Obama being president while this shyt was happening and his justice department charging not a single police department with anything until he was on the way out.
Its a joke, and for Maher to try to talk down a black man because he isn't on the plantation and lapping up democrat party bullshyt like he is devoid of his own logic and reasoning, and to see other black people celebrate this bullshyt, and see c00ns like OP and other dap and celebrate it, shows you the lack of intellectual weight of a lot of the black neo-liberals.
Camps already existed, nice you finally started caring about them when trump got in office though. Bush 2 and Obama had the same thing and Obama enlarged the shyt Bush initially created and Trump is trying to enlarge the same infrastructure himself.
Laugh at trump by talking up a Obama cheating on his black american wife.
Some of yall are lost.
Trump isn't retarded, just vain as hell, that said he has largely maintained the status quo that Bush started and Obama continued and advanced.
I figured most of this hand wringing was some BS liberal shyt related to Trump.
Trump about the restart the war on drugs? Man it never stopped and if anything Obama and Holder actually INCREASED prosecution in the war on drugs off of Bush.
fukk the bullshyt, Trump won deal with it.
how the fukk trump made folks bold again, when black folks been getting openly harassed and murdered under Obama from when he got in?
Bullshyt, Holder didn't do shyt about Baltimore or Ferguson or the corrupt Samford PD.
I didn't vote, but this is a joke to me, Trump is supposedly worse than Ms. Black Superpredator Clinton, ms. black men are wild dogs who have to be brought to heel Clinton. SMH.
These anti-Trump outbursts is nothing but 'virtue" signaling by progressives and its ridiculous.
This is nothing new.
Obama was notorious for doing the same thing
Your statement is idiotic because you were blaming Trump and the GOP for shyt Obama and the Democrats selections did.
I don't understand why these c00n "jouranlists" want to go at Omarosa over trump, but were silient when Obama was drinking beer with the cop who beat and arrested Louis Gates for going into his own home.
I havent and stillhavent seen you attacking bad policy of dems like you cry about everything trunp associated. The fact you nade this thread and at ne about some bullshyt that trump is continuing from the obama admin confirms my assesment.
Damn shame Obama didn't do this.
I don't care about Trump, but he did the right thing by pardoning Jack Johnson.

The fact that some of your fukking liberal c00ns refer to Jack Johnson as a dead guy, instead of a black man who was targeted and unfairly and unjustly targeted and convicted by the US government speaks volumes.

Liberal c00ns are the worst

He'll get especially angry if you suggest that Trump has emboldened racists.
This emboldened by trump stuff really needs to stop, its a joke.
So when Obama was elected there weren't racially motivated crimes?
You still don't get it, if you think the only thing that got trump elected was racism you will see that more trumps get elected, better start looking at what is really going on and why he surprised everyone and won.
Trump has the right and his people have the right to be as angry and racist as they want.
What no one has the right to do to Trump and his followers is violate their legal rights, period.

Trump is a US presidential candidate and even if he wasn't, people have the right to support him the same reason people have a right to suppport any politician that is polarizing, like an Obama.
Destroying things that aren't your, threatening and invading other people's property, is wrong.
If we would stand out and shout down the action when whites do it, we should be able to hold ourselve to the same standard and possibly even higher in that we shouldn't even be thinking of mimicking and acting like the people who would do that to us.

If it was any group on campus, no other group did it but them and for what?
They literally are going to be on teh front page of drudge and other publications as nothing more than thugs terrorizing white students who support trump.
The worst part is that in this instance the headlines will be right, they played into the hands of people who would support trump and see blacks as nothing but thugs.

This could go on forever...I remember him :cape: for Laura Ingraham, Murray Rothbard, and all sorts of other despicable characters. It's really a disease for him. :heh: