What’s so tiresome about these conversations is that yall *act* stupid. You know most bw are not “divesting” or even know what that means, you know that whole “movement” is by bw who feel abandoned and disrespecting by bm, whether you agree or not, you know this. You call them bitter all the time, so it’s not like you don’t know where the motive comes from.
So why play dumb about it?
You don’t see black female celebs happily breeding white kids, making their entire esthetic about white boys, making songs for the whole word to know how unattractive and undesirable they find black men compared to white, latin non-black men, but we have several black males do that.
We make jokes about the draft. We make jokes about these videos. And it’s like….at some point you’ve gotta stop calling these girls delusional.
We all see what’s going on. Instead of just keeping it a buck yall want to act like these girls are bitter for acknowledging a very real trend within their own community. I don’t understand the gaslighting at all.
I guess the “divesting” thing is a way to flip the narrative to pretend like they do it too but it’s just not serious. Nobody believes that, not even you.