People out here ain't having kids because they can't afford them, are in forever debt because of high education costs, struggling to pay rent in every major city in America, most don't got 1000 dollars to their name and the wages ain't growing......but they keep telling us its a good economy
Its working alright.....for the top 1%
Bootstraps gang not gonna like this.
The one silver lining is that democrats aren't as hostile to unions and co-ops as Republicans. The economy should be in the hands of businesses with strong worker representation, not corporate kings that can destroy your life by underpaying you then firing you because you got sick too many times or because you were "insubordinate".
The measure of economic success should be reflected in average grocery prices, average wage, average home price, and average child poverty rate. Not the stock market. Stocks are where your retirement funds are, but also where millionaires go to gamble with their money. They can gamble with shares of companies your pension is invested in, and if enough of them decide to sell, it can tank the overall value of the stock and your retirement in the process.
Such a thing shouldn't even be possible. We need more organized labor, and we need regulators to break up these big companies so they can compete and give customers the best value. Wal mart doesn't need to reduce its prices if they know that they're the only store for miles. Netflix doesn't need to reduce its prices if they know that they still have a huge chunk of the market.
Auto manufacturers don't need to make a cheaper car when the only people making cheaper cars are effectively banned from the market. Apple, microsoft and Google don't need to make substantial improvements to their software because what else are you going to use? We have too many Monopolies and cartels and they're suppressing wages by using poorly paid immigrant labor, busting up unionization efforts,outsourcing, and buying out their competition after severly undercutting them in price or sending frivolous lawsuits their way. We need competition to come back, and when it does, we'll get innovation too.