Not the Keyshia and Ashanti one that dj was trash.To keep it real, all the DJs have been fire on these.
They deadMaze & Al Green have deep discographies. I don't think Barry White or Isaac Hayes have had one yet either. There's a lot of greats left.
They need to get Chaka on one of these. I fukkin love that woman and her music. This is one of my faves by her. Auntie vibes in full effect yasss
He told some story where he was rocking a party and some old white dude came up to him afterwards saying he made him feel 18 again and had the time of his life and tried to tip him some cash but D declined and said the event handled it. D didn't know who it was and everybody wanted to know what he said to him.
It was one of the fukking Koch brothers.
Not the Keyshia and Ashanti one that dj was trash.
FactsKashif production is so goddmamn underrated
put some respeck on his name
Maze & Al Green have deep discographies. I don't think Barry White or Isaac Hayes have had one yet either. There's a lot of greats left.