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JAMA Network | JAMA Internal Medicine | German Acupuncture Trials (Gerac) For Chronic Low Back PainRandomized, Multicenter, Blinded, Parallel-Group Trial With 3 GroupsDog I have had work done on both my pulled hamstrings and my shoulder just recently, it is very much real.
Acupuncture dont work if you got an eye dangling out the socket but injuries like the ones I had, definitely applies. Maybe you went to someone who didn't know what they were doing.
Acupuncture is actually covered by many insurers and recognized in the medical field as a beneficial form of pain therapy.
The problem is people taking shyt to the next level....Acupuncture and Qi Gong have their place but you're not gonna throw fireballs or cure your cancer with needles. This is where most of the skepticism comes from.
Quigong tho
This guy is 90 and can beat up most of tell me thats fake...theres some truth to that shyt
Qigong master projecting his chi energy - YouTube
Sounds like someone isnt very open minded.
Open-mindedness - YouTube
As far as the acupuncture and yoga type stuff goes, I'm willing to consider that sticking needles into your body, and basic stretching/breathing techniques, may have some form of health benefit, even if only placebo.
Definitely nothing metaphysical going on though. The chart is on-point.
Niccas out here believing in Obi-Wan Kenobi type of shyt....
These dudes don't know brehNot all TCM is bogus, I personally haven't had acupuncture but i can definitely speak for some of the remedial tinctures i've had from my master from everything from a cold to bruise/strike wound stuff. A great deal of it is effective to some degree, mostly the herbal, massage, and neigong side of things. Some it may even make perfect sense from a scientific perspective, like dit da jow medicine probably has some antiinflammatory compounds for example, and neigong being really good for your c/v system because you're training your breath, removing stress with exercise and mediation, and moving your body in a very healthy way (hard to put it any other way). I have my doubt with the more esoteric stuff like eating tiger cocks increasing your male vitality or really really strict principles of jing conservation, but in my experience a lot of the more commonplace/common stuff has its worth.
As for projecting Qi and all this 'feat' shyt, a great deal of that is actually stuff propogated by the chinese government and intellectually dishonest masters trying to loop in gullible western students. I have seen some qigong healing, but I can't speak as to whether it was the massage, herbs, qigong or the whole thing that came together to make it work. Standing neigong helped me recover from a lot of injuries at any rate.