Heavenly Sword doesn't come close to Vanquish. Vanquish is one of the best games this gen.
Probably, but in the fanboy world? Vanquish was a game passed on because it didn't get the hype from the fanboys. Meanwhile fanboys act like Heavenly Sword is a top 10 game from this gen. So I was just seeing how many fanboys would be like "H.S
I know Vanquish is a good game, I also know its a game that game out a long ass time ago and you can get used for $10 pretty much anywhere
So this game being offered in 2013 doesn't really benefit gamers who play games. Its more for like, ppls little brothers n shyt
What makes you bring up HS? There was nothing special about HS except the great voice acting.
While I agree, I've never heard a sony fan say that much. We breaking new ground here
Now lets see if we can continue to make progress.
There is nothing special about getting a game that came out in 2010, in 2013
And somebody tell @
L@CaT its Res.5 not 6