Van Jones: if Democrats aren’t careful trump can peel off enough black votes to win


Seduce & Scheme
Apr 30, 2012
Trump understands that the democrat tent is full of people with different interests. Black people and Latinos don’t exactly see eye to eye and I’m no fan of illegals myself.

He can definitely get 15-30% if he keeps hammering certain points.

plus black people peep game with the democrats, the power dynamics are changing in the party with the Latino vote taking over.



Death to the demoness Allegra Geller
Aug 24, 2017

Trump could edge out 15% and fukk democrats if they're not careful... :lupe:
Can Trump appeal to America’s black silent minority? | Spectator USA

  • "Millions of African americans who watched their communities be ravaged." "In cities where recent rioting destroyed their business, homes and communities". This didn't happen what is the author talking about?
  • "Mob violently beating Dallas small business owner" "Willie Horton" is he referring to the barfly incel who willfully left his apartment to attack people with a sword and was rightfully neutralized?
  • "Upper class mentor families... focused on teaching basic finances, nutrition, delayed gratification and other vital life skills":gucci::mjlol:Who the fukk is this guy?
  • "Numerous high profile black figures have come out in support of Drew Brees' original comment" Who? Other than Barkley, he was universally dragged.
  • "Launch an Initiative led by Ivanka Trump" Again:mjlol: who the fukk is this author?:russ:
Black female voter turnout will be up, we'll handle it, you're welcome. Again.

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
nikka you playing stupid. Dems are getting all the black vote this year period. Trump gonna walk away with the same ass weak 6% or so they always get from the irrelevant c00ns.

Imagine seeing the country today and seeing the polls and thinking Trumps getting the black vote..... you nikkas need to go sit down

:rudy: nikka the article says what you just did ole parroting non-thinking for yourself ass nikka

but are you actually in TOUCH w black people out here? are you even BLACK!?



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Democrats Scramble to Win Over More Black Men
Joshua Jamerson
10-12 minutes
WASHINGTON—Some Democrats are sounding alarms within the party about its outreach to younger black men, saying it was not doing enough to appeal to these voters even before a nationwide wave of protests amplified the discontent many black Americans feel toward their political leaders.

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s support is much weaker among black men, particularly young people, than black women, according to WSJ/NBC News polling, which was conducted before the protests but partly during the coronavirus pandemic that has disproportionately affected black families.

Black Americans are one of the Democratic Party’s most loyal voting blocs, and President Trump won just 8% of black voters in 2016, according to exit polls. Mr. Biden is expected to easily win the demographic in November. But if the 2020 presidential election is as close as the 2016 vote, some Democrats say losing even a small number of black men to Mr. Trump—or seeing more of them stay home on Election Day—could hamper Mr. Biden’s White House chances.

“We have a persuasion to turnout to vote problem,” said Antjuan Seawright, a longtime Democratic strategist who is a senior adviser to the Democratic National Committee. He said the party had not maximized its potential among younger black men because party officials had been late to “finding out what motivates them, what gets them up at night”—efforts he said the DNC had sought to ramp up in the past few years.

Are Democrats at risk of losing their traditional support from black male voters? Why or why not? Join the conversation below.

Democrats are focused on slim percentages of black voters, and it is too soon to tell how voters will respond to protests spurred by the killing of George Floyd while in police custody in Minneapolis. Mr. Trump’s message has emphasized zero tolerance for violence that has arisen in some cities after mostly peaceful demonstrations, though he has also expressed sympathy for Mr. Floyd’s death. Meanwhile, officials on Mr. Biden’s team say voters want to hear a hopeful message, and the former vice president is pushing for a series of law-enforcement reforms, including a ban on chokeholds, restrictions on the transfer of certain types of firearms to police departments and improved oversight.

Exit polls from the 2016 presidential election showed more black women than black men backed Hillary Clinton, and a similar gender split existed in the 2012 presidential election between President Obama and Republican Mitt Romney. Black voter turnout dropped between the two elections, contributing to Mrs. Clinton’s narrow loss to Mr. Trump.

Surveys conducted this year by The Wall Street Journal/NBC News found that about 92% of black women support Mr. Biden compared with 4% for Mr. Trump, while 80% of black men back the Democrat and 12% support the president. Among black men under 50, Mr. Biden’s support dropped to 70%, compared with 17% for Mr. Trump. Numbers for black women under 50 mirrored those for black women overall.

What the History of the Black Vote Tells Us About the 2020 Race

0:00 / 4:11



What the History of the Black Vote Tells Us About the 2020 Race

Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton locked up the previous Democratic nomination by winning over black voters in the Deep South. WSJ’s Joshua Jamerson explains why courting black voters ahead of the 2020 Democratic primary is so important to being top of the ticket. Photo: Getty Images (Originally Published October 3, 2019)
Priorities USA, the largest Democratic super PAC, had similar findings in surveys of black voters. Calling the number of black men who support Mr. Trump small but “statistically significant,” PAC chairman Guy Cecil said it was “something that Democrats need to address head-on.”

Black men are nearly four times as likely as black women to say they support the way President Trump has handled the U.S. economy, WSJ/NBC news polling found.

Internal surveys conducted by several Democratic-allied groups found that some black men are attracted to what they describe as Mr. Trump’s tell-it-like-it-is demeanor, and the notion that Mr. Trump’s wealth and personal success could benefit the country. They also said younger black men are more likely to feel alienated from both parties.


Joe Biden in Wilmington, Del., on June 1, after visiting the scene of protests spurred by the killing of George Floyd while in police custody in Minneapolis.
Photo: jim watson/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images
Mr. Cecil’s group in April announced a $3 million collaboration with civil-rights organization Color of Change to create digital advertisements aimed at black voters in the battleground states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Florida. The super PAC’s research suggested that younger black men considering backing Mr. Trump or a third-party candidate could be persuaded to vote for Democrats when presented with economic messages about making college more affordable, protecting pensions and supporting labor unions, according to one aide.

The Democratic National Committee in 2019 launched an outreach program dubbed “Chop It Up” that, before the pandemic, included meeting with potential voters in black-owned barbershops. In a recent virtual session, Ebony Baylor, the DNC’s African-American political director, said the initiative was in part aimed at convincing black men that the party acts in their interests.

“Democrats understand that we have to do things differently this cycle, and that was before a pandemic turned our lives upside down,” Ms. Baylor said.

The Biden campaign isn’t planning to tailor its messaging by gender, said Rep. Cedric Richmond (D., La.), a co-chair of Mr. Biden’s campaign. “I don’t think we have to separate those ads and arguments. There’s not a competing force in the African-American community. There is a feeling that so goes one, so goes all,” said Mr. Richmond, a former chair of the Congressional Black Caucus.

He said the campaign will make the case that the Trump administration botched its response to the unrest following Mr. Floyd’s death and to the coronavirus.

Mr. Biden said last month on CNN that he could garner strong black support, but he would have to earn it. “I’ve got to make it clear why I think I deserve their look,” he said.

More on the 2020 Election
Mr. Trump’s campaign team feels it can put Mr. Biden on defense with black Americans over his role shepherding the 1994 crime bill in Congress, legislation that, among other things, experts say accelerated disproportionate incarceration of black Americans. The Trump campaign is highlighting that, in December 2018, he signed into law the First Step Act, which passed Congress with strong support in both parties. It was intended to release more than 3,000 prisoners.

The president’s team is also criticizing Mr. Biden for telling a black radio host in late May, “if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” The Biden campaign said it was a joke, but he walked back the remark.

“At the end of the day, he’s taken Black voters for granted and even questioned the race and blood of those who dare to think independently when he said, ‘You Ain’t Black,’” Katrina Pierson, one of the president’s black surrogates, said in a statement.

Brandon McAdory, 27 years old, voted for Mr. Obama in 2012 but backed Mr. Trump in 2016 and plans to do so again in 2020. Ahead of Michigan’s March 10 primary, he parked outside of Renaissance High School in Detroit, where Mr. Biden was holding a rally. His pickup truck was draped with Trump campaign signage. “Trump is actually speaking from the heart,” said Mr. McAdory, who is black. “No other politician has done that.”

Many Democrats say they are more concerned about younger black men staying home. “The larger issue is this underperformance of Joe Biden, the Trump numbers aside,” said Adrianne Shropshire, who runs Black PAC, a super PAC that works to increase turnout among black voters. Her group is sending pledges to vote by mail to people under 40, particularly black men.

“We have to shore up their interest and enthusiasm for showing up at all,” she said.

Strengths and Weaknesses Warren Could Bring to a Joe Biden Ticket

0:00 / 2:23



Strengths and Weaknesses Warren Could Bring to a Joe Biden Ticket

Elizabeth Warren has gained support among Democrats as a running mate for Joe Biden. WSJ's Gerald F. Seib explores the strengths and weaknesses she could bring as Biden’s pick for vice president. Photo: Chris Carlson/Associated Press
Write to Joshua Jamerson at

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