The flaw with "stupid people voted for Trump" is the implication that anyone who didn't vote for Trump is inherently smart, which is how Dems keep ending up in these situations. This smartest person in the room shyt is doing no one any favors.
Stupid people are a common denominator in all facets of life, and shouldn't be used as a metric to the degree that it is in political discourse and reasoning unless it's figuring out how to use a group of stupid people to achieve your goals. This is what every politicians goal is
And once again, for the 999th time, if the smart people's can't harness their superior intellect to beat the stupidest people what's the point? Why can't anyone answer this?
No one is saying Dems are by default are smart, but yes I am saying Trump supporters are stupid based on this single act. It’s not a flaw to the argument it’s the declaration the whole argument is based on.
I use the Aesop Fable of the scorpion and the frog. Imagine the frog goes half way from one side of the river and gets stung…. The mother fukker frog barely survives, see that the scorpion is about to drown and then the frog based on the belief it is in its
own self interest tells the scorpion to get on its back again as it tries to get to the other side.
The fable never goes that far because that would just be stupid.
Also, once again all the dumb dumbs resent smart people, always have, always will. It’s funny but shyt look at all the resentment in this thread. Trump being stupid as shyt is his appeal. If people actually thought he was smart he wouldn’t be popular. I guess the democrats need to run more dumb people. For the most part if you look at the ones that make the national stage tend to be highly educated. Maybe more of the state and local party members needs to force their way to the federal position.