It needs to be profitable/self sustainable because its service is no longer valuable enough to justify tax payers carrying it... and nothing suggest postal services will be increasing in value going forward. Hence why they want to add banking.You ducked the first question. Why does it NEED to be profitable? I'm all for cutting needless government spending, but the Post Office provides a valuable service to every citizen at an affordable cost and free of free market concerns. And it does so at a relatively low cost to the taxpayers. There are several other more expensive and pointless government services to pare down. Voting by mail, passport services etc. shouldn't be handled by private industry.
There is currently nothing stopping private industry from trying to compete with the post office in rural areas. If they thought there was money to be made they'd already be doing so.
It has a govt enforced monopoly on the majority of its services, and is still going under... maybe it shouldn't have cost so low.
As for the other stuff... it looks like Dems are already trying to get voting apps off the ground.
I'd also prefer Amazon to ship my passport so I can track it every step and receive text alerts/emails with photos at every checkpoint.
Get with the times man.