Cerebral Labyrinth
All Star
Horror by user5814492 on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
I made everything here using various symphonic VSTs. I want to have an organic sound, so even the drums are library kits rather than simple drum samples.
Does it work?
To answer your original question here, yes, it does work. And to add constructive feedback, it will work better if you improve on what you have posted here. I don't think it sounds organic yet. You have good libraries, but work more on the mix and note expression of individual instruments & sections in order to give it a more realistic feeling. Right now, I still visualize someone triggering notes off a MIDI controller when I hear this.
Zack Hemsey is a good example of using various VST libraries and forming an 'organic' sound that I think you're describing.
As for your question regarding 7/4 and 5/4 time, again yes, you can utilize non-conventional time signatures. Watch the video where Meth & Red pranked Ludacris. He took a beat with no pattern or time signature and rapped in 7/4 over it. You're not going to have trouble making it work. What WILL be difficult is finding rappers to take on that task, given they don't have the theory or experience to adapt. It's not hip hop music that's boxed in, it's the people within it.
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