Well, uhh, yea. All other things being equal, the showboating/animated negro is more controversial than the non-showboating/animated negro...why are people acting surprised by this.
No you niccas just fail at reading comprehension. We're not worried about safeness, generally, advertisers/media are, that's the assertion that was made in here, and you niccas ran with it like nicca's is concerned about "safeness" or the level to which one styles on the comp
You know, I actually do see your point, but here's the thing--when we are so caught up in how we're portrayed it's very easy to start acting either in accordance to what the white media wants us to be (whether that may be "safe" or stereotypical) or to completely go against the grain simply in order to be subversive to the white majority. But either way, you end up behaving in relation to the perception of whites, meaning that whether you are safe, stereotypical, or purposely adversarial, you are still being controlled by those same white people. Now, I'm not saying "you" specifically, I'm just speaking to anybody who falls for this whole doctrine of "blackness" in North America, that has largely been constructed and nurtured by the non-black majority.
Even this whole "safe" business is stupid, cuz that's passively castigating blacks who are nice, non-threatening, and well-spoken people, as if that's not something ALL humans should aspire to be.
With all that said, we as black people should desire to be portrayed ACCURATELY as we are, as whole human beings, and not necessarily on either end of the positive and negative spectrum.
Gabby being safe is no knock. Shes just mad a whitewashed and humble/media friendly 16 year old african-american chick. Not your typical "sista"
This is the kind of thing that I mean. Being whitewashed and humble/media friendly and not your typical sista is being equated to being safe. Well then, what is your typical sista? Not humble/media friendly?
Not saying that's the argument you're trying to make conscious pilot, or what you meant, but your statement can be misconstrued (which I may have done) and dangerously veer in the direction of the internalized subjugation and dehumanization that we blacks sometimes unconsciously feed into and reinforce.