Another really good episode. High body and increased stakes have really worked well for the show lately.
When Will stabbed his former partner with the broken bottle
Katie and Boussard's levels of fukks given that last ep

. I ain't expect the straight murder game when they got to the house but

, they couldn't strategically get the kids back

just merked all Red Hats right in front of the kids. Pippen over Ewing dunk style execution shots to the dome piece from Katie was straight

Man, a lot of shows can learn from how Colony has advanced the story over 3 straight fire ass episodes, just unexpected violence and murder game

. The sister gone rat them out next ep though

, funny looking ass bytch

. Her fukkboy ass son's life depends on it, low blood having ass fukk ass kid. Hyperglycemic ass sick ass pink bytch. I hope he dies from a 974 blood sugar, fukk ass lil kid sugar machine just gone say "Hi"

. Need insulin bytch? Kill yoself u sick bytch

. Greatest Day Deez Nuts u fakkit ass bodysuit wearing cac UFO's
Looks like the Resistance knows the plans of the Aliens and we are bout to learn about whatever they are doing. Great ep though, hope next week can keep this quality run up, especially if that DiiiiiiaBEEEEEETUS ass kid drops dead
