Agreed about the liitle girl. She was pissing me the fukk off acting like a little scared bytch. Couldn't run right or anything. It's almost unrealistic how sheltered they've made her. Like you've had to climb through woods, hide underneath the city in sewers, and you're still this useless? Yeah, and I never felt like Charlie integrated back in with the family. Plus for this show to be the way it is the Bowmans have suffered almost zero loss. It was time.
From what we have seen of Seattle, it's ruled by The Greatest Day cult. So they probably need her character in order to give a way to explain to the audience what The Greatest Day is really about.
Watching this after watching last weeks "Westworld", I think I might be getting an idea what this is:
Snyder mentioned that the human elite speculated that the Hosts (just noticed that both shows use the same term for A.I.s) were either created by organic beings, or the uploaded minds of organic beings. He also mentioned that they don't care much if a "drone" machine gets destroyed, but kill one of the sentient AI cores and they're willing to nuke your whole city in to a glass parking lot.
So, it sounds like the Hosts don't have the technology to actually create new minds. If they're on the run from organic beings, those beings are probably their original creators/slavemasters trying to get their property back.
I'm thinking that Seattle is the center of their process of digitizing human brains and uploading them into new AI cores. The Hosts need to do this because its their only way to replace units that have been killed off in the war, but they're selling this idea to the humans as The Greatest Day when they'll "ascend" to a higher spiritual level of existence and become immortal.
That's would also explain why they won't kill certain humans. The "toughest" humans with the best survival skills are given increased priority to turn into potential Host officers.