you think she does anal as well?
Liberal women are freaks. She's probably into alot of foul shyt.
Latino man problems...
You can't preach against white supremacy then go home to a white man.
you think she does anal as well?
Latino man problems...
Senate reconvenes on the 19th they ain't vote on it until Democrats control house and senate. Why won't it pass?i would bet all the money in the world this wont get pass the senate
I know we are allowing ourselves a moment of levity and enjoying this grand display of hubris.
Let us not forget the 100+ motherfukkers who voted against impeaching him.
Or the mob that attacked the Capitol, assisted by some of those same motherfukkers, cops, and the president himself.
Nor should we forget the 74 million b*stards who voted for him again, and the other folks who coddle them and are trying to unify with them.
The work ain't nowhere near done.
Most definitely babe.
The levity that we're showing in this thread doesn't mean we aren't serious about this. What happened last week at the capitol is alarming to say the least. And we recognize that this situation is forcing white ppl to have to look at issues that black ppl have been talking about for eons and they've been telling us its all in our heads.
Trust and believe we know that the US is in a very precarious situation right now. This thing can honestly go either way and whichever way it goes, its going to have a huge effect on the black community.
He loses all that with a simple majority vote.Does this impeachment have a chance of passing in the senate this time? Cause if not he won't lose all his post-presidency perks right?
I’ll say this country goes as black Americans react to this threat. We’ve always saved the country from whites and their worst inclinations.Most definitely babe.
The levity that we're showing in this thread doesn't mean we aren't serious about this. What happened last week at the capitol is alarming to say the least. And we recognize that this situation is forcing white ppl to have to look at issues that black ppl have been talking about for eons and they've been telling us its all in our heads.
Trust and believe we know that the US is in a very precarious situation right now. This thing can honestly go either way and whichever way it goes, its going to have a huge effect on the black community.