there are definitely MAGA racists in congress. they have literally infiltrated the government.
And it's actually MAWA. Make America White Again.
If these congressmen don't get expelled from the house and senate, shyt is going to get worse.
You're on the right path but a little off-base. The maga racists haven't "infiltrated" anything. They were already there from the start, Trump's brand just
incentivized them(republicans) along with a large section of america to really say what they really feel.
Like that republican senator arguing that americans do not want $2000 checks when not giving the checks affects his poor, food stamp, mayo eating, trailer park living constituency more than it does blacks and other minorities.
The naked truth is, Pence, Pelosi and other elected officials could've gotten murdered last week and you would STILL have spinless elected republican officials saying "two wrongs don't make a right" and politicizing it and turning a blind eye to trump all in the name of white supremacy, the "party line" is just a fake code word...